International Polar Ocean Day (Fagsymposier - DNVA)

Welcome to the International Polar Ocean Day at DNVA with focus on an earth system perspective on Norwegian polar Research. The sea ice retreat opening up the gateway to the high Arctic and the Polar Ocean. New opportunities appear which need to be met both in science, politics and through international Collaboration.

Seminaret er åpent for alle, men krever påmelding. For program og påmeldingsskjema, følg denne lenken

Isbryter på vei på Polhavet i Arktis, et av jordens fem verdenshav. Illustrasjonsfoto:

Isbryter på vei på Polhavet i Arktis, et av jordens fem verdenshav. Illustrasjonsfoto:

Invitasjon til fagsymposiet; International Polar Ocean Day

An earth system perspective on Norwegian polar research

With the sea ice retreat the gateway to the high Arctic and the Polar Ocean is opening up. New opportunities appear which need to be met both in science, politics and through international collaboration.

Det tyske forskningskipet Polarstern med en isstasjon i forgrunnen. Foto: Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Mario Hoppmann (CC-BY 4.0) 

Norwegian polar research has recently been evaluated, and we are challenged to raise our ambitions. In response, the Norwegian government is funding The Nansen LEGACY project, opening up new opportunities for international collaboration to improve our understanding of the world's northernmost ocean. At the same time a strong environmental research agenda has been launched by Finland under their chairmanship of the Arctic Council. We need to take advantage of these opportunities. Where do we start? What actions do we need to take?

Fra Institutt for geofag er Trude Storelvmo på programmet med et foredrag om: The Arctic region in an Earth System perspective.

Seminaret er gratis men krever påmelding; frist 24. januar. Åpent for alle interesserte.

Se hele programmet for fagsymposiet + påmelding på DNVA sine websider.

  • Sted: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78
  • Tid: 31. januar 2018 kl 09:00 - kl 16:30 (alternativt kl 19 med tapas)
Publisert 16. jan. 2018 13:01 - Sist endret 12. okt. 2020 10:33