Tidligere arrangementer - Side 10

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Maciej Lisicki is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 31st of March @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Andreas Max Kääb, GEO.

Tid og sted: , KBH 2418

During the Tuesday talks, CBA members gather for lunch and a talk. On Mars 28th 2023, the talk will be given by new CBA leader Sebastian Westermann and new centre coordinator Manon Bajard who will introduce themselves.

Tid og sted: , Room Bruun, Kantina, Meterologisk Institutt, Henrik Mohns Plass 1

Title: The Role of Anthropogenic Aerosols in Recent North Atlantic Climate Change

Speaker: Laura Wilcox, University of Reading

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 24th of March @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by  Bikas Bhattarai (Met.no).

Tid og sted: , Scene HumSam and online

How can Circle U. students, academics, and leaders collaborate on interdisciplinary education and find ways to prepare students for coping with wicked problems?

Tid og sted: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies Hus

Title: Estimating climate sensitivity in the presence of tipping points

Speaker: Peter Ashwin, University of Exeter

Tid og sted: , The Science Library, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Meet up at Physics at the Library for a lecture about how network science is an indispensable tool from physics to medicine by Professor Albert-László BarabásiNortheastern University.

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Rellie Goddard is a Postdoc in geology and geophysics at The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 17th of March @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Bo Cao, GEO.

Tid og sted: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Velkommen til ny GeoOnsdag. Denne gangen får vi foredrag fra forfatter og Professor Jørn Harald Hurum om de nye geologiske utstillingene på Naturhistorisk museum. 


Tid og sted: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Velkommen til årets søteste og mest nerdete bakekonkurranse. Her kan du beskue eller delta på kakebaluba. Vi byr på en glamorøs jurye, et forrykende komiker-trylleshow og beste premiedryss. 

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Alexis Cartwright-Taylor is an Assistant Professor in Geomechanics at Heriot-Watt University 

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 10th of March @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Frans-Jan Parmentier, MetOs/GEO.

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Joanna Dziadkowieck, Postdoc Njord, UiO and

Paiman Shafabakhsh, Phd Njord, UiO

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 3rd of March @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Federico Covi, GeoHyd, UiO.

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Anne Imig holds a master’s degree in environmental engineering. In 2019 she started her PhD studies at the Technical University of Munich which she is currently finishing.

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Mattia L. Mazzucchelli is a Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow at Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. 

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 17th of February @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Lizz Ultee, Middlebury College.

Tid og sted: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Velkommen til årets første GeoOnsdag. Denne gangen får vi foredrag fra forfatter og Førsteamanuensis Henrik H. Svensen om vakre bergarter. 


Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Arnold Mathijssen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of Pennsylvania.

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 10th of February @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Irene Brox Nilsen, NVE.

Tid og sted: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies Hus

Title: Atmospheric Aerosols, Acidity and Impacts

Speaker: Athanasios Nenes, EPFL

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Vivek Prakash is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics, and a secondary faculty in the Departments of Biology, and Marine Biology & Ecology (RSMAS) at the University of Miami. 

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 3rd of February @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building or via videolink using Zoom. The seminar is helt by Kristen Joy Valseth, UiO-Math.