Tidligere arrangementer - Side 9

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 217b, Geology building

Assessing the Shyft Modelling Framework in Nepal: Impact of Snow Routines and Terrain Representation on Simulated Water Balance Components

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 26th of May @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Junbin Zhao (NIBIO).

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 217b (iEarth), Geology building

Investigating the influence of future climate on slope stability- A case study in Eidsvoll, SE Norway

Tid og sted: , Seminar room 102 (Mellomrommet), Geology building

Spatiotemporal patterns of wildfires, NDVI, and NDVI-derived disturbances in Mongolia using MODIS data

Tid og sted: , Meeting room k43 (Bifrost), Geology building

Pre-Permian evolution of the Sele High, Central North Sea

Tid og sted: , Oslo Science Park, Toppsenter

Title: Using simple integrated assessment models to explore human and earth system feedbacks

Speaker: Sibel Eker, Radboud University and International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Tid og sted: , KBH 2418 and Zoom

Every second Tuesday, CBA members gather for lunch and a talk. On May 23rd 2023, we have an early career presentation given by two PhD students Eira Carlsen and Elisabeth Wörner.

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 317, Geology building

Testing og vurdering av modellverktøy for dimensjonering av steinspranggjerde

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 12th of May @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Ugo Nanni, GEO, UiO.

Tid og sted: , Room 2320 Kristine Bonnevies hus

Title: A Lagrangian view of MOSAIC, the largest polar expedition: one year of atmospheric transport in the Arctic seen through trajectories

Speaker: Silvia Bucci, University of Vienna

Tid og sted: , The Science Library, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus

Welcome to a new GeoWednesday. This month Adriano Mazzini will give a talk about the the Arctic permafrost.

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Anja Røyne is a senior lecturer at Department of Physics and KURT - Centre for Teaching and Learning in Science and Technology. She has been involved and worked at PGP and Njord since 2011.

Tid og sted: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Title: Turbulent transport of momentum and heat in the atmospheric surface layer: new perspectives on an old subject

Speaker: Dan Li, Boston University

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 5th of May @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Sebastian Westermann, GEO, UiO.

Tid og sted: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Title: Natural experiments of aerosol-cloud interactions

Speaker: Velle Toll, University of Tartu

Tid og sted: , Meeting room 217b (iEarth), Geology building

Characterisation of Hydraulic and Mechanical Properties of Fractures Through Laboratory Testing, Geophysical Monitoring, and X-ray Micro-CT Imaging

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 28th of April @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Michael Stephen Town, UiB.

Tid og sted: , Room 2320, Kristine Bonnevies Hus

Title: A framework for regime dependent dynamic Bayesian networks for assessing climate risk

Speaker: Terry O'Kane, CSIRO

Tid og sted: , ITS, rom 402

Sigurd Eide at the Department of Technology Systems will be defending the thesis

"RIMFAX-modeling for Martian subsurface exploration: Ground-penetrating radar studies for the Mars 2020 Perseverance rover mission, during exploration of Jezero Crater Floor"

for the degree of philosophiae doctor.

Tid og sted: , Room Bruun, Kantina, Meterologisk Institutt, Henrik Mohns Plass 1

Title: Recent advances in the modelling of incompressible turbulent two and three-dimensional flows

Speaker: David Dritschel, University of St. Andrews

Tid og sted: , https://uio.zoom.us/j/68081471625

Giovanni Toffol just submitted his PhD thesis at the University of Padova, Department of Geosciences. 

Tid og sted: , Aud 2, The Geology Building (or Zoom)

Welcome to our GEOHYD Lunch Seminar Friday 14th of April @ 12:15 in Aud. 2, Geology building, or via video link using Zoom. The seminar is held by Jukes Liu, Geo, Boise State University.

Tid og sted: , Room Bruun, Kantina, Meterologisk Institutt, Henrik Mohns Plass 1

Title: Radiative properties of microplastics at a global scale

Speaker: Laura Revell, University of Canterbury

Tid og sted: , Aud 1, The Geology Building

Doctoral candidate Vemund Stenbekk Thorkildsen at the Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, is defending the thesis Resolution analysis and enhancement in geophysical imaging and inversion for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Tid og sted: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjeknes' hus

Velkommen til ny GeoOnsdag. Denne gangen får vi foredrag fra førsteamanuensis Kristina Dunkel om mineralreaksjoner.