Prøveforelesing/Trial Lecture

Prøveforelesing/Trial Lecture:

“Faults in sedimentary basins - outcrop and seismic Expressions”

I høve tilsettingprosessen i stillinga, førsteamanuensis i strukturgeologi, Institutt for geofag gjev ein kandidat prøveforelesinga:

“Faults in sedimentary basins - outcrop and seismic expressions”

Tid & sted: Torsdag 17. januar, auditorium 2, Geologibygningen.

  • Åke Fagereng - Prøveforelesing: kl. 9:15 - 9:45

Alle er velkomne!

Information in English:

As part of the appointment process for the position, Associate Professor in structural geology, Department of Geosciences, one candidate will give the trial lecture:

“Faults in sedimentary basins - outcrop and seismic expressions”

Time & place: Thursday January 17, auditorium 2, The Geology Building.

  • Åke Fagereng - Trial Lecture; time: 9:15 - 9:45 AM

Welcome to all!

Publisert 9. jan. 2019 11:36 - Sist endra 15. jan. 2019 15:29