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Aktuelt - Side 3

Publisert 13. des. 2021 11:16

After endless Zoom and Teams meetings there was much excitement about this year’s Geolearning Forum. Though digital tools have many advantages they cannot replace the shaking of hands, eating and drinking together, and all the non-verbal cues humans use to communicate when they meet in person.

Publisert 9. nov. 2021 12:45

My name is Ida, and I am in my third semester as a bachelor student in geology at the university of Oslo.

I attended the GeoPraksis conference at Quality airport hotel Gardermoen, the 3rd of november 2021. It was an educational, inspiring and social experience.

Publisert 12. des. 2019 13:21

I dag kom beskjeden, det nasjonale konsortiet iEarth får status som Senter for fremragende utdanning (SFU).  Konsortiet består av sentrale personer innan undervisning ved Institutt for geofag (UiO), saman med kolleger frå UiB, UiT, og UNIS; Svalbard. Dei ynskjer å verta internasjonalt leiande innan utdanning i geofag.

Published Oct. 24, 2019 12:56 PM

PhD Day is an annual event organized each year by the UiO Science Library, in collaboration with the MN-faculty. There are scheduled lectures, and a poster session in which fellows at the faculty are invited to participate. This year Marius Lambert, Department of Geosciences won the award for the best poster. The competition was fierce.