Update from Sebjørn

Hey! This is Sebjørn, checking in from the MET institution intership. Over the past few weeks, Mia and I have been gathering material for our project on rain sensor intercomparisons, because we had our first presentation at the office!

Although we have had numerous presentations over the course of our studies, this would be the first time we show our findings in a proffessional setting. Our original task was to compare the measurements of two specific sensors, however we were provided so much peripheral material that it was easy to get side-tracked. We whittled down our results to make sure we were on subject, and gave our interpretations of the data.

One aspect of internship we only realized after the fact was that  our conclusions were of practical use for our collegues at MET. While the presentation may have been a mere 15-20 minutes, the following discussion we had was nearly twice as long (though it felt much longer!).  To see not just how one presents and interprets data to a workplace, but how that workplace in turn makes decisions based on the data was useful experience. 

Until next time!

Emneord: Geopraksis-bloggen, Geopraksis, Meteorologi Av Sebjørn Sprauten
Publisert 21. mai 2024 11:30 - Sist endret 21. mai 2024 11:30

Bloggen Geopraksis er skrevet av geovitenskapsstudenter i praksisopphold, som tilbys som en del av emnet "GEO3050 – Arbeidspraksis i geofag" ved Institutt for geofag, Universitetet i Oslo.