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Sidetittel Publisert Student(er) Veileder(e)
Analysis of potential avalanches detected by Sentinel-1 SAR over Norway 7. sep. 2021
Analysis of seismological data at the Lusi site, Indonesia 22. nov. 2016
Application of the Avaframe dense flow model to Norwegian snow avalanche events 15. aug. 2022
Changes and trends in hydrometeorological variables across Afghanistan – combining global datasets and local observations 3. okt. 2022
Characterisation of rheological properties of debris flows and slides at Norwegian pilot sites 3. nov. 2017
Characterization of glacial water flow using lagrangian drifters 2. okt. 2019
Comparing LiDAR and photogrammetric digital elevation models (DEM) acquired by drones for debris flow channel mapping 21. sep. 2023
Development of a classification algorithm for ice crystal habit using machine learning 27. juni 2019
Development of a new drop freezing technique for quantifying the concentration of ice nucleating particles in the atmosphere 27. juni 2019
Emplacement mechanisms of magmatic intrusions in sedimentary basins: the role of failure of the overburden 9. nov. 2016
Environmental factors controlling ground temperatures in permafrost ground around Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard 7. nov. 2016
Evaluating hydroclimatological CLM5 simulations over Norwegian catchments 27. okt. 2020
Evaporation 7. nov. 2016
Experimental study addressing fault slip stability 2. sep. 2019
Exploring the Link between Hydrometeorological Drought and Impacts 7. nov. 2016
Extensional fault growth in high-resolution seismic data 21. sep. 2020
Extremely large/super-size eruptions and their impacts on the i) polar (SSW), and ii) tropical (QBO) atmosphere 4. okt. 2019
Fault and fracture characterization in basement rocks of western Norway 15. sep. 2020
Fault interpretation and characterization using machine learning 16. sep. 2020
Fault interpretation and characterization using machine learning 16. sep. 2020
Fault reactivation potential of the Horda Platform, northern North Sea: Implications for successful storage of CO2 15. sep. 2020
Fault seal juxtaposition and CO2 migration in the early Jurassic Johansen Formation, Horda platform 21. juni 2019
Field-based synthetic seismic illumination of CO2 migration in fault zones 4. sep. 2020
Geochemical investigation of AMD generation under oxic and suboxic conditions 16. aug. 2023
Geochronology of the lithotectonic framework hosting the Co-Cu Skuterudåsen mineralization at Modum 16. aug. 2022
Ground model development – Geostatistical and Machine Learning prediction of soil properties 26. aug. 2021
Groundwater Response to Snowpack Changes 26. okt. 2020
High precision geochronology of Silurian bentonites in the Oslo area 15. aug. 2022
Importance of ice crystal shape in Arctic cirrus clouds as retrieved from halo photography 26. okt. 2020
Mapping heterogeneous water storage within the Earth’s mantle 16. sep. 2020
Mechanics of pegmatite vein emplacement in the lower crust of the Lofoten Islands 7. sep. 2021
Mechanics of pegmatite vein emplacement in the lower crust of the Lofoten Islands 7. sep. 2021
Mine mapping and underground data integration of the Co-Cu Skuterudåsen deposit in Modum 29. aug. 2023
Ocean - atmosphere interactions in the northern Barents Sea 2. okt. 2020
Oligocene – Miocene palaeoatmospheric CO2 reconstruction based on fossil leaf remains 5. juni 2018
Origin of volcanic ash in the Siberian Traps lava pile 18. nov. 2016
Paleomagnetism of Silurian to Carboniferous magmatic rocks in the Orkney Islands and mainland Scotland 24. okt. 2017
Palsa mires in Finnmark – measuring and modeling the thermal regime of the ground 7. nov. 2016
Predicting hydrology in ungauged basins using the DDD model 14. okt. 2019
Prediction modelling of rock glaciers in Norway (incl. Svalbard) and Iceland 12. aug. 2019
Proterozoisk grunnfjell i Ustekveikja, Haugastøl: Litologisk og strukturgeologisk kartlegging og aldersbestemmelser 10. sep. 2020
Rainfall thresholds for debris flow triggering in El Salvador 30. sep. 2021
Rainfall thresholds for debris flow triggering in El Salvador 30. sep. 2021
Reconstructing possible causes for darkening of Skagerrak Coastal Water during the past century 6. nov. 2019
Reservoir Quality in Jurassic and/or Cretaceous sandstone reservoirs located in the northern North Sea area area in wells – the role of sediment composition, provenance, chlorite coating and mechanical and chemical compaction 5. nov. 2018
Reservoir Quality within the Realgrunnen Subgroup in the Barents Sea area in wells – the role of sediment composition, provenance and mechanical and chemical compaction 5. nov. 2018
River discharge extremes in Norway simulated using a distributed hydrologic model 10. okt. 2022
Rock glaciers in Finnmark: Change detection based on drone derived digital terrain models (DTMs), photogrammetry, InSAR data, and geomorphology 12. okt. 2018
Sea ice as a lid: does the suppression of INP emissions change the microphysics of mixed-phase clouds in the Arctic? 27. okt. 2022
Sedimentary structures and processes in the Øyeren Delta 4. sep. 2020
Sedimentology and reservoir characterisation of a shallow-marine to continental transition for Carbon Capture and Storage purposes 2. okt. 2019
Seismic mapping of the Draupne Shale - a heterogeneous CO2 Storage seal 31. aug. 2022
Self-heating in acid-producing alum shale 16. aug. 2023
Shear deformation and stability of marine clays 22. sep. 2022
Simulating fluid flow surrounding carbonate fault zones 10. sep. 2020
Statistical de-risking of faults associated with picking strategies: Implications for assessing fault seal for CO2 storage in the Northern Horda Platform 10. sep. 2020
Statistisk analyse mellom nedbørsfeltegenskaper og vanndyp for norske vassdrag 1. nov. 2022
Statistisk analyse mellom nedbørsfeltegenskaper og vanndyp for norske vassdrag 1. nov. 2022
Stochastic geodynamic modelling of volcanic sedimentary basins 20. aug. 2019
Strain localisation in pegmatite dykes from Lofoten 31. aug. 2023
Strength evolution of the lower crust 31. aug. 2020
Structural analysis of a basin on the Norwegian Continental Shelf using Machine Learning methods 6. sep. 2019
Structural analysis of the Gamma closure, northern Horda Platform 15. sep. 2020
Structural analysis of the Øygarden Fault Complex, Horda Platform, Northern North Sea 21. sep. 2020
Structural evolution of the Sele High and Ling Depression 21. sep. 2020
Structural fieldwork and microstructural analysis of fault rocks in Proterozoic basement rocks in western Spitsbergen 16. aug. 2023
Structural fieldwork and microstructural analysis of fault rocks in Proterozoic basement rocks in western Spitsbergen 29. okt. 2021
Study of glacial hydrology with drifters 31. aug. 2020
Subsidence in rift zones, Vogar Peninsula and Thingvellir, Iceland: Precision levelling of far-field effects of a recently active volcanic area 31. aug. 2022
Subsidence in rift zones, Vogar Peninsula and Thingvellir, Iceland: Precision levelling of far-field effects of a recently active volcanic area 31. aug. 2022
Testing ocean geostrophic turbulence theories with shipboard measurements 21. okt. 2022
The criteria for caldera collapse in active volcanoes: a mechanical stability analysis 9. nov. 2016
The criteria for volcano sector collapse: a mechanical stability analysis 9. nov. 2016
The impact of sewage plant discharge on the benthic environment in the Moss area, outer Oslofjord, Norway 5. sep. 2022
The potential flood retention capacity of old waterways in Skjåk, Innlandet County, Norway 10. okt. 2022
Tiltak for å øke nedbryting av avisingskjemikalier 1. sep. 2020
  • Ekstern veileder (Avinor)
Tracers of Atmospheric Mercury Pollution in Sedimentary Organic Matter 17. sep. 2020
Tracers of Atmospheric Mercury Pollution in Sedimentary Organic Matter 17. sep. 2020
Turbulence intermittency in the ocean and atmosphere 7. sep. 2022
Understanding the failure mechanisms and triggering conditions of sandy/silt/clay slides along rivers 18. okt. 2023
  • Ivar Berthling (NVE & UiO),
  • Graziella Devoli (NVE)
Using machine learning to estimate bulk snow density based on weather data 8. okt. 2019