Hylleraas Meeting at Klækken

The Hylleraas Annual Meeting 2022 will be held at Klækken Hotell from Sep 5 - 7

Image may contain: Plant, Sky, Building, Tree, Flowerpot.


The Hylleraas Annual Meeting is a joint meeting between the Oslo and Tromsø nodes of the Hylleraas Centre, organized by the Young Researcher Parliament (YRP) representatives every year. This year, the Oslo node has arranged the meeting at  Klækken Hotell in Klækken, Hønefoss. 

A brief history of Klækken

Klækken lies a short distance away from Oslo in the commune of Ringerike, at the foot of Nordmarka, with a view of Norefjell before you. "Klækken" owes its name to a large old farm in the area by the same name. The farm was probably of wine and dates back to the first centuries. Since then, the current hotel has seen very different days — from a farm to a shuttle station to bank premises to a school hall and finally in 1969, when the Carlsen family acquired the property, it became one of the first conference hotels of Norway.

Food and Accommodation

All meals will be served by the hotel and covered by the Centre. Dietary requirements and allergy information, if any, have been provided to the hotel, but please double-check with a staff member when being served.

It was possible to arrange single rooms for all.


The following is the suggested itinerary:

For Tromsø UiT:

Mon, Sep 5: DY323 TOS 08.30 - OSL 10.20 (as of Aug 20)

                     Bus: Leaves the airport at ~10.45 for Klækken

Wed, Sep 7:  DY382 OSL 17.10 - TUE 19.05 (as of Aug 20)

                     Bus: Leaves the hotel at ~14.00 for OSL

For Oslo UiO:

Mon, Sep 5:  Bus from Blindern to Klækken: 10.00.

Wed, Sep 7:   Bus from Klækken to Blindern: 13.45

Note that all bookings (hotel rooms, bus, meals) have been placed catering to your inputs during your registration and any changes you may have requested have been updated afterwards (as of Aug 20).


Day 1:

Mon, Sep 5

Events Presented by

11.00 - 12.00


12.00 - 13.15


13.15 - 13.45 14.00


Samiran Sen , Mahika Luthra , Trygve Helgaker

14.00 - 15.00

Hylleraas School

Simen Reine ,        David Balcells

15.00 - 15.15

Break / Check-in


15.15 - 16.30 16.45

Moving towards more open and reproducible research

Agata Bochynska , Matthew Good

16.45 - 17.15

Tea Break


17.15 - 18.30

Academics and entrepreneurs - do they mix?

Vegar Lein Ausrød

18.30 - 20.00



Day 2:

Tue, Sep 6

Events Presented by

07.00 - 09.00



09.00 - 10.15 09.50

5 Minute Thesis Part I

Masters and PhD Students

10.15 -10.300

10.15 - 11.15 5 Minute Thesis Part II Masters and PhD Students

11.15 - 12.00

Photograph Session

Cathrine StrømSamiran Sen

12.00 - 13.00



13.00 - 13.45

Why can't I talk to everyone at once?

Cathrine Strøm

13.45 - 14.00



14.00 - 15.00

Hylleraas Software Platform

Simen Reine , Tilmann Bodenstein

15.00 - 15.15



15.15 - 16.00

What does it feel like to touch an orbital?

Audun Skau Hansen

16.00 - 19.30

Tea Break + Social/Outdoor Activity


19.30 - 21.00

Banquet Dinner


Day 3:

Wed, Sep 7

Events Presented by

07.00 - 09.00

Breakfast + Check-out


09.00 - 11.00

YRP Meet/ MT Meet

YRP Meet: Samiran Sen , Mahika Luthra

MT Meet: Trygve Helgaker

11.00 - 11.30

Tea Break


11.30 - 12.00

YRP+MT together

5MT Winner Announcement

Samiran Sen , Mahika Luthra , Trygve Helgaker

12.00 - 12.15


Luca Frediani

12.15 - 13.30






5 Minute Thesis (5MT)

In the 5MT, the speakers should present an overview of his/her project condensed into 5 minutes.


Please seat yourselves in the first rows of the seminar room.

Part I

  1 Simon Elias Schrader
  2 Jose Alberto Guerrero Cruz
  3 Rasmus Vikhamar-Sandberg
  4 Ning Cao
  5 Marinella de'Giovanetti
  6 Sverre Løyland
  7 Tonje Reinholdt Haugen
  8 Mohamed Safy
  9 Daniel Schipper

Part II

10 Vanda Le
11 Inga Schmidtke
12 Magnar Bjørgve
13 Mira Mors
14 Lucia Moran
15 Gabriel Gerez
16 Aurore Denjean
17 Manuel Carrer
18 Aleksandar Davidov


  1. If you are working on multiple projects, you may focus on one of the main ones.
  2. You do not have to explicitly talk about results, for example, if you are an early-stage researcher.
  3. Presentations exceeding 5 minutes will be stopped. The White Rabbit will inform you at 4½ minutes.


  1. We suggest you keep it within 5 slides.
  2. Please do not include any animation/videos.
  3. Send your slides as a PDF to Mahika (and Samiran) by Thursday, September 1. Please include your name, node (Oslo/Tromsø), and RT in the email with subject: "5 MT - 2022".
  4. All non-participants in the audience will vote for their favourite presentation. We will explain the details on site. We will announce a winner on the last day of the meeting.


If you are not participating as a presenter, please do so as a judge!

The following link will be automatically activated during the course of the 5 minutes thesis talks only. Use it to score each speaker out of 5 points (5 being the best):


Hylleraas School

Simen Reine (Senior Engineer, Hylleraas Centre, UiO),

David Balcells (Principal Investigator, Senior Researcher, Hylleraas Centre, UiO)

The Hylleraas School is held for the students of the centre to discuss important topics within all the Research Themes (RT's) that constitute it and to promote cross-node collaborations. Simen will present this idea before us and talk about the past and future schools. David will talk about introducing some aspects of Machine Learning into the next scheduled School and also the Centre.


Moving towards more open and reproducible research

Agata Bochynska, Matthew Good

(Senior Academic Librarians, UiO, Norway)

Challenges to research reproducibility have become a big concern among scientists across academic fields, including computational chemistry, which most of you are working with.

Unavailable or undocumented research outputs, data, code, software or tools pose barriers to validation and reliability of computational work. Recent calls for more open and reproducible research led to new requirements from the funders and institutions to make methods, data and code more verifiable and reusable. But what does it mean in practice and how can you implement it in your own work? In this talk, we will introduce the main concepts and practical tips for moving towards more transparent and reproducible research.


Academics and entrepreneurs - do they mix?

Vegar Lein Ausrød

(Startup advisor, The Kitchen/Aarhus University, Denmark)

PhD – Entrepreneurship. Vegar will share his experience working with both students and researchers who have created startups from academic institutions such as NTNU, CERN and now Aarhus University. He will bring theoretical perspectives and practical tools related to how researchers can start dipping their toes into the world of entrepreneurship and startup.


Why can't I talk to everyone at once?

Cathrine Strøm

(Communication Advisor, Kjemisk Institutt, UiO, Norway)

To have target groups in mind increases the chance of being heard. But what kind of target groups is there? How can we communicate with them? This session will hopefully give you a better insight into the variety of target groups. Which target groups are important to you?


Hylleraas Software Platform

Simen Reine (Senior Engineer, Hylleraas Centre, UiO) ,

Tilmann Bodenstein (Researcher, Hylleraas Centre, UiO)

The Hylleraas Software Platform (HSP) is an ongoing project aimed at seamlessly linking the many software developments and computational activities at the Hylleraas Centre, in order to pave the way for advanced multi-scale simulations spanning time scales from atto- to milliseconds and length scales from single atoms to billions of atoms. Simen and Tilmann will give an overview of HSP and talk about recent developments and plans for the future.


What does it feel like to touch an orbital?

Audun Skau Hansen

(Senior Lecturer, Kjemisk Institutt, UiO, Norway)

As the groundwork for Web 3.0 is being laid across the globe, new opportunities are emerging for cross-platform data visualisation and interaction. Evince is a prototype for a visualisation module for the Hylleraas Software Platform, where we explore how aspects such as GPU-acceleration, data-sharing, web-embedding, virtual reality and interfacing between various platforms may affect how we interact with scientific data in the future. The talk will give a brief technical overview, showcase some possible applications, give a brief tutorial on how to contribute, customise and extend the functionality, and provide an outlook on future opportunities.


YRP Meet/ MT Meet

YRP Meet: Samiran Sen , Mahika Luthra

(Doctoral Research Fellows, YRP Representatives, Hylleraas Centre, UiO)

MT Meet: Trygve Helgaker

(Professor and Director, Hylleraas Centre, UiO) 

The Young Researcher Parliament (YRP) provides a platform to connect the Management Team (MT) with all young researchers of the Centre. In parallel sessions, the YRP and MT Team will present topics and concerns related to the development of the Centre and the well-being of its members. The audience will actively take part in important decision-making and future planning for the coming years of the Hylleraas Centre.

Important Information

Photographs will be taken and shared on social media for promoting the centre. If anyone has an objection, please contact the organisers before the start of the Meeting.

Contact us

For any help or queries, contact us by email, call or whatsapp:

Samiran Sen -- samiran.sen@kjemi.uio.no  (+47 46582876)

Mahika Luthra --  mahika.luthra@kjemi.uio.no  (+47 46343462)


Special thanks to Lucas Lang  and Marinella de Giovanetti  for helping in the organisation.

Published Aug. 26, 2022 11:14 AM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2022 2:59 PM