
Time and place: , Hotel Sundvolden

In recognition of Prof. Trygve Helgaker's 70th birthday, this years meeting of Theory and Modelling chapter of the Norwegian Chemical Society will be a scientific conference in his honor.

Time and place: , Lysebu Hotel

The workshop Molecular Quantum Dynamics is organized as part of the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) project Attosecond Quantum Dynamics Beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, and will cover a broad range of topics. We welcome the participants to the beautiful and historical hotel Lysebu, situated at the rooftop of Oslo.

Time and place: , Oslo

Knowledge Triangle in Energy

               -Research, Education, Business-


Time and place: , Hotel Hadeland

Hylleraas School 2023 will be held at Hotel Hadeland on Jan 10-13