CAS Workshop: Molecular quantum dynamics

The workshop Molecular Quantum Dynamics is organized as part of the Centre for Advanced Study (CAS) project Attosecond Quantum Dynamics Beyond the Born–Oppenheimer approximation, and will cover a broad range of topics. We welcome the participants to the beautiful and historical hotel Lysebu, situated at the rooftop of Oslo.

Participation to the workshop is by invitation only. The interdisciplinary workshop covers a broad range of topics, including:

  • Attophysics/chemistry
  • Numerical integration
  • Variational principles
  • Gaussians
  • Born–Oppenheimer approximation
  • Time-dependent manybody models
  • Machine Learning models


The workshop begins with lunch at 12:30 on 23 March and ends with lunch at 12:00 on 26 March. The presentation slots are all 45 minutes, with 30 minutes per talk and 15 minutes discussion.

Here is the complete program (PDF).

Here is a preliminary book of abstracts (PDF).


List of participants



Adamowicz, Ludwik

University of Arizona, US

Appel, Heiko

Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, Germany

Aurbakken, Einar

University of Oslo, Norway

Burghardt, Irene

Goethe University, Fakrfurt, Germany

Carlström, Stefanos

University of Lund, Sweden

Coriani, Sonia

Danish Technological University, Denmark

Crawford, T. Daniel 

Virginia Tech, US

Culpitt, Tanner Phillip

University of Oslo, Norway

Fasshauer, Elke

University of Tübingen, Germany

Fredheim, Håkon

University of Oslo, Norway

González-Vázquez, Jesús

Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

Helgaker, Trygve

University of Oslo, Norway

Højlund, Mads Greisen 

University of Aarhus, Denmark

Kjønstad, Eirik

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Koch, Henrik

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway

Kristiansen, Håkon

University of Oslo, Norway

Kvaal, Simen

University of Oslo, Norway

Laestadius, Andre

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Lang, Lucas

University of Oslo, Norway

Lasorne, Benjamin

University of Montpellier, France

Lasser, Caroline

Technical University of Munich, Germany

Matyus, Edit

Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Ofstad, Benedicte

University of Oslo, Norway

Orimo, Yuki

University of Tokyo, Japan

Pedersen, Thomas Bondo

University of Oslo, Norway

Reiher, Markus

ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Schneider, Reinhold

Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Schrader, Simon Elias

University of Oslo, Norway

Schøyen, Øyvind Sigmundsson

University of Oslo, Norway

Selstø, Sølve

Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway

Singh, Pranav

University of Bath, UK

Stanke, Monika

Nicolaus Copernicus University of Torun, Poland

Sutterud, Halvard

Imperial College London, UK

Svensson, Pontus

University of Oxford, UK

Tellgren, Erik

University of Oslo, Norway

Vacher, Morgane

University of Nantes, France

Woźniak, Aleksander

University of Warsaw, Poland

Travel information

Lysebu Hotel is situated in Holmenkollen, on the rooftop of Oslo, and offers spectacular views, beautiful architecture, and an unforgettable experience. Traveling from Oslo Lufthavn Gardermoen (OSL), we have the following recommendation:

  1. Airport Express train (FLYTOGET) from OSL to Oslo Central Station (Oslo S). You can buy a (return) ticket in a kiosk located near the entrance to the train tracks, or simply use a credit card/mobile phone with contactless payment activated at the gates to the main tracks.
  2. At Oslo Central Station, find a Narvesen kiosk and buy a ticket for the metro/subway. (Buy 2 to have a return ticket.) Your ticket needs to be activated on board the train using easily identified boxes
  3. Walk to JERNBANETORGET metro station (5 minutes, station is inside the Oslo S building, and there are signs to follow)
  4. Follow signs to the westbound platform. Take any westbound metro line to MAJORSTUEN station. (These are: 2 ØSTERÅS, 3 KOLSÅS, 4 VESTLI VIA MAJORSTUEN, 5 SOGNSVANN, 5 RINGEN VIA MAJORSTUEN.) From Majorstuen, take the westbound metro Line 1 (direction FROGNERSETEREN). The train leaves from Platform 4, and you will find it easily, see picture below. Disembark at VOKSENKOLLEN station. Remember to activate your ticket. (You will have a nice view if you sit on the left side of the train!)
  5. A short walk to Lysebu hotel, following the signs

Airport Express (FLYTOGET)

The Airport Express (FLYTOGET) runs every 10 minutes. All trains stop at Oslo Central Station (Oslo S). You can buy a (return) ticket in a kiosk located near the entrance to the train tracks. You may also buy tickets at the train station gates by swiping a credit card or using contactless payment (e.g. Apple Pay). Your ticket will only be valid for the train trip, and you need to get a ticket for the subway when you arrive at Oslo S. You can get a digital receipt later at

A second cheaper train option from OSL to Oslo S

The national Train service is called VY. Trains run regulalry from OSL to Oslo Central Station. Travel times of Vy are similar to that of FLYTOGET, and are cheaper. The Vy trains run less often than FLYTOGET (check the large monitor at the entrance to the train tracks for the nearest departures). Tickets can be bought at an OSL kiosk in both cases. The Vy ticket is also valid for the subway.

For Vy and the subway, you can also download the ruter app, see


It is easy to find the metro station JERNBANETORGET after getting off the train. There are large signs in the main hall of Oslo S, see the below picture. Narvesen kiosks are located nearby. Expect about 5 minutes of walking.

Mjaorstuen station

Platform 4 is located close to the westbound platform. There are signs to Platform 4 and Line 1 FROGNERSETEREN. (The line usually services Jernbanetorget and Oslo S, but not May 2023.) The picture below shows an aerial view.

Aerial view of Majorstuen station and Platform 4

Walking from Voksenkollen to Lysebu hotel

This is a 10 minute walk, see the map below. (Click this link for google maps.)



Simen Kvaal, Thomas Bondo Pedersen, Caroline Lasser (TU Munich) and Ludwik Adamowicz (University of Arizona)
Published Mar. 9, 2023 2:10 PM - Last modified May 19, 2023 1:19 PM