Events in Tromsø


Time and place: , Skibotn

The 2024 Skibotn Hackathon will take place April 22-26 2024.

Time and place: , Realfagbygget C329, UiT, Tromsø
Time and place: , Medisin og helsefagbygget 1: Auditorium 5, UiT, Tromsø

The workshop will feature lectures by Dr. Cina Foroutan-Nejad of Institute of Organic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, followed by ultra-short (five-minute) presentations by members of the UiT Department of Chemistry.

More details of the program can be found here.

Time and place: , Sommarøy Arctic Hotell

The Hylleraas Annual Meeting 2023 will be held at Sommarøy Arctic Hotell from Sep. 5 - 7

Time and place: , UiT The Arctic University of Norway

The Numerical Methods in Quantum Chemistry workshop will take place June 5-8 2023 in Tromsø.

Time and place: , Skibotn

The 2023 Skibotn Hackathon will take place April 17-21 2023.

Time and place: , Realfagsbygget B302, store auditorium

PhD defense MSc Karen Oda Hjort Minde Dundas

Master of Science Karolina di Remigio Eikås will defend her PhD thesis entitled "A computational study of cyclic peptides with vibrational circular dichroism".

Time and place: , Realfagsbygget B302, store auditorium

Title of the trial lecture: «Techniques for the determination of absolute configurations»

Time and place: , Hamn in Senja

The Hylleraas spring meeting is due to the Corona moved to September 20 - 22 at Hamn in Senja.

Time and place: , Teknologibygget Auditorium 1.022

Master of Science Karen Oda Hjort Minde Dundas will defend her PhD thesis entitled "Vibrational spectroscopy beyond the harmonic approximation with the Polarizable Embedding model"

Time and place: , Teknologibygget Auditorium 1.022

Title of the trial lecture: «Intermolecular interactions: computational modeling and benchmarking»

Time and place: , Auditorium 1.022, Teknologibygget

Master of Science Marc Ferry Obst will publically defend his thesis entitled "Homogeneous Metal-Mediated Carboxylation with Carbon Dioxide"

Time and place: , Auditorium 1.022, Teknologibygget

Title of the trial lecture: «The interplay between DFT and experimental studies on Grubbs- Metathesis catalysis - from simple to advanced models»

Time and place: , Auditorium 1.022, Teknologibygget

MSc Ljiljana Pavlovic will defend her PhD thesis entitled "Towards Enantioselective Carboxylation and Hydrogenation Reactions (Quantum Chemical Modelling of Homogeneous Reactions)" on August 21.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1 . 022, Teknologibygget

Title of the trial lecture: "Machine learning in catalysis"

Time and place: , Haraldvollen Røde Kors Senter

The 2020 edition of the Haraldvollen Hackathon will be organized from January 20-24.

Time and place: , MH2, U.09.301, Aud. Cerebellum

Matthew Welborn from the Molecular Sciences Software Institute will give a talk entitled "Transferability in Quantum Chemical Machine Learning via Molecular Orbital Features"

Time and place: , C329 Department of chemistry

The annual Dalton developers meeting will be organised in Tromsø at The University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway from January 18-19 2020.

Time and place: , C329 Department of chemistry

Title of the talk: VCD spectroscopy: from simple organic molecules to supramolecular structures

Time and place: , B203 (Lille auditorium), Realfagsbygget

Daniel Gryko (Polish Academy of Sciences) will give a guest lecture entitled "Pyrrolo[3,2-b]pyrroles and Diketopyrrolopyrroles - Functional Heterocycles for Optoelectronic Applications"

Time and place: , Tromsø Museum

The Hylleraas centre will present the life and science of the Norwegian research pioneer Egil Hylleraas, followed by short popular-scientific accounts of the research activity of the centre.

Time and place: , Tromsø

The third edition of the Molecular Response Properties Winter School will be organized January 14-18 2019.

Time and place: , Tromsø

Kenneth Ruud and Bjorn-Olav Brandsdal are organizing a mini-symposium in connection with Nobel laureate in chemistry Prof. Arieh Warshel's promotion as Doctor Honoris Causa at UiT The Arctic University of Norway.