Nordic CO2 Days

Join us for the Nordic CO2 Days at Vitensenteret, Tromsø

CO2 emissions are linked to global warming and acidification of the ocean. But CO2 can also be viewed as a resource, which may replace carbon derived from oil.

Want to learn more about the good and bad about CO2?

Join us at 'Vitensenteret'  April 13-14.


13th of April: School classes are invited for seminars and lab-activities about CO2.

14th of April: Everybody is invited to join us at Vitensenteret. There will be stands and activities, short talks and picture exhibitions related to CO2.
- Find out how much CO2 emission you cause.
- Learn about how CO2 destroys organisms in the ocean.
- See how CO2 can become a carbon source to make medicine, fuels, feed and other molecules.
- Meet researchers from Chemistry, Biology, Philosophy, Informatics, and Fishery that work with CO2.
... and much more!

Arranged by: The CHOCO group, the iCCU project, the NordCO2 consortium, the Nansen legacy, and Vitensenteret, alongside members of NFH, IG, IFT, IFF, IFI, AMB, and IK. We thank the Tromsø Research Foundation (project TFS2016KHH), Nordforsk (project 85378) and UiT for contributing to financing this event.



Published Apr. 5, 2018 3:53 PM - Last modified Apr. 5, 2018 4:03 PM