Python course for beginners, September 4-6, 2018

The CHOCO project, led by Hylleraas PI Kathrin Hopmann, will together with the IT department at UiT organize a Python scripting course for PhD students and postdocs.

This crash course in Python programming for beginners will be held at UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Tromsø September 4-6, 2018. By following the course you will learn how to automate your scientific tasks. The course is free of charge, but you will have to arrange your travel and lodging on your own.

The learning outcomes include:

  • general Python scripting, including how to collect functions into modules and testing your python code
  • file IO, like preparing input files and data extraction from output files 
  • automating tasks, for example data processing
  • plotting with matplotlib
  • understanding imports
  • working with Jupyter notebooks

There will be an optional take home exam after the course, and a diploma will be given at the end of the course for participants attending the entire course.


No previous programming or Python skills are required. But you do need to:

  • bring your own laptop

  • be able to use a text editor (emacs, nano, atom, vi, vim, notepad++)

  • know basic linux and basic file operations in a terminal (cd, cp, mkdir, mv, ls)

  • Anaconda installation of Python 3

Participants who already have access to Stallo, can use the Python 3 installation on Stallo.


Teorifagbygget hus 1, Rom 1.425, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. For directions click here.


Tuesday, September 4

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 17:00 Session 1

Wednesday, September 5

09:00 - 12:00 Session 2

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 17:00 Session 3

Thursday, September 6

09:00 - 12:00 Session 4

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch

13:00 - 17:00 Session 5

Bring your own real-life “problems”/questions/ideas for the last session of the course. This is a great opportunity for you to discuss with the instructors on how to automate/optimize tasks from your everyday work. Details about the schedule are in the making here.


Registration is obligatory for participation. The deadline for registration is June 30. You can registrer here.

There will be complementary lunch for all participants. Please specify which days you would like to recieve the complementary lunch when completing the registration.

The maximum number of participants for the course is 30. Eight seats are pre-reserved. Of the remaining seats, registration from academia will get priority over people outside academia. You will get a notification about your participation by July 3.


For questions about the course or the registration, please contact

Useful links

The course will not be based on any specific book, but here are some web resources and books we recommend if you want to learn more:


Published Feb. 19, 2018 6:57 AM - Last modified Oct. 3, 2023 1:37 PM