Chemistry 2019: On Odd Hassel´s shoulders

In celebration of  the 50th anniversary of Odd Hassel's Nobel prize in chemistry, a two day seminar was held in Oslo 31st of October to 1st of November, with members of the Hylleraas Centre in the organising committee.

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In celebration of  the 50th anniversary of Odd Hassel's Nobel prize in chemistry, a two day seminar was held in Oslo 31st of October to 1st of November. In addition to a number of scientific talks at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, the seminar included talks on science, panel debate, and the opening of an exhibition on Odd Hassel at the Department of Chemistry at the University of Oslo.

The organising committee consisted of Kari Kveseth (chair), Hylleraas affiliate Einar Uggerud, Hylleraas Director Trygve Helgaker, Hylleraas affiliate Ute Krengel, and Mohamed Amedjkouh.

Published Dec. 20, 2019 3:24 PM - Last modified Dec. 20, 2019 3:24 PM