Prestigious H2020-MSCA-ITN grant awarded to the Hylleraas Centre

The ITN project CO2PERATE involves 6 European countries and will hire 15 PhD students, 3 at the Hylleraas centre.


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Kathrin H. Hopmann together with Luca Frediani, Ainara NovaDavid Balcells, and Michele Cascella have been awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MCSA) Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grant Cooperation towards a sustainable chemical industry (CO2PERATE). The Hylleraas Centre is heavily involved in the network:


UiT: Action Coordinator of the ITN and main supervisor Kathrin H. Hopmann; co-supervisor Luca Frediani

UiO: Main supervisor Ainara Nova; co-supervisor David Balcells; co-supervisor Michele Cascella


The CO2PERATE network will perform interdisciplinary research on using CO2, biomass and non-precious metals for sustainable chemical processes. The research involves seven universities and three industries in six different European countries (Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway and Denmark). A total of 15 PhD students will be hired on CO2PERATE — including three computational PhD students at the Hylleraas centre, two at UiT and one at UiO. The Hylleraas members in CO2PERATE will not only supervise the PhD students at UiT and UiO, but also take part in the supervision of students at other institutions in the network. Hylleraas PI Kathrin H. Hopmann is the action coordinator.


Published June 3, 2019 11:27 PM - Last modified June 4, 2021 11:47 AM