Proposal for a new funding scheme for e-infrastructure

A working group appointed by NTNU, UiB, UiO and UiT has proposed a new model for the future funding of Norwegian e-infrastructure.

Average computing power per inhabitant in select countries based on the Top500 list of supercomputers.

The University of Bergen, The University of Oslo, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology and UiT The Arctic University of Norway appointed in the autumn of 2018 a working group to develop a new model for funding Norwegian e-infrastructure (high-performance computing and data storage facilities as well as advanced user support) for research in order to be able to meet the ever increasing demand for e-infrastructure services.


The group has now released a draft report for which they seek input from the community. The report makes several recommendations:

- Norway should aim to have e-infrastructure services on level with the best of a set of  international reference countries.

- The level of base funding for e-infrastructure services should be increased significantly, by as much as 130-190 MNOK annually.

- The four universities and the Research Council of Norway should significantly increase their contribution to the base funding of the e-infrastructure services.

- A wider range of research and higher-education institutions should contribute to the base funding of the e-infrastructure services.

- A more trans-disciplinary funding must be put in place for e-infrastructure services as they are used by an ever increasing number of research domains.

The complete version of the draft report can be found here (in Norwegian), and comments and suggestions can be submitted to the chair of the working group, Prof. Kenneth Ruud, by June 30 2019.

The members of the working group have been:

  • Camilla Brekke (UiT)
  • Gunnar Bøe (Sigma2)
  • Knut Børve (UiB)
  • Morten Dæhlen (UiO)
  • Hans Eide (Sigma2)
  • Inge Jonassen (UiB)
  • Kirsti Klette (UiO)
  • Terese Løvås (NTNU)
  • Kenneth Ruud (UiT, Chair)
  • Torbjørn Svendsen (NTNU)

Ulrike Jaekel from the Research Council of Norway has been the secretariat for the working group.

Published May 20, 2019 9:45 PM - Last modified May 22, 2019 7:21 AM