New presentation: Laser-driven atomic and molecular quantum dynamics

Hylleraas members presented their recent work on laser-driven atomic and molecular quantum dynamics. 

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Scientists at Hylleraas-Centre from left: Einar Aurbakken, Simon Elias Schrader and Thomas Bondo Pedersen. 

On June 10-12, 2024, Prof. Sølve Selstø organized the workshop “Atoms in strong laser fields” at the OsloMet Quantum Hub, Oslo Metropolitan University, with participation from the Hylleraas members: Einar Aurbakken, Simon Elias Schrader, and Thomas Bondo Pedersen.

Presentations by Hylleraas members

While Aurbakken presented our recent theoretical work on possible attosecond spectroscopy experiments on atoms containing positrons (the antiparticle of the electron), Schrader’s lecture was focused on the challenging problem of propagating electronic and nuclear wave functions expressed in a basis of explicitly correlated gaussians.

Finally, Pedersen’s talk was a review of the work done at Hylleraas in the past 5 years on simulating atomic and molecular electronic processes induced by short laser pulses using different flavors of coupled-cluster theory. 

From Hylleraas Centre for Quantum Molecular Sciences: 

  • Einar Aurbakken: Dynamics of positronium–atom systems in laser fields.
  • Simon Elias Schrader: Rothe’s method for time evolution in strong laser fields with explicitly correlated Gaussians.
  • Thomas Bondo Pedersen: Time-dependent coupled-cluster theory. 

More about the workshp

The workshop was held at OsloMet Quantum Hub with the ini workshop on atoms in strong laser fields: quantum/workshop-atoms-in-strong-laser-fields/ 

Tags: Hylleraas, Gaussians, quantum dynamics, electrones, positrons
Published June 26, 2024 1:36 PM - Last modified June 27, 2024 2:06 PM