Non-conventional surfactants by multi-scale and data-driven approaches

Presentation of new developments to modelling dynamics, assemblies and macromolecular machines in april at CECAM, Lyon France. 

The seminar gives an overview of recent advances in modelling of the self-assembling dynamics of surfactants, using a hierarchy of approaches at different resolution. The presentation discusses how external factors like ionic-strength, or photoactivation can have a major role in controlling aggregation.  

Recent advances

The dynamics regulating self-organisation of surface-active compounds is at the basis of the living matter; for example, it is involved into the definition of cellular boundaries, cell compartmentalisation and molecular trafficking.

Surfactants are also broadly used in soft matter technology, from responsive materials, to nanodelivery. The problem associated with their characterisation at molecular level lies in the non-reducible size of the systems of interest, spanning several orders of magnitude from the nm to the mm, and in their relatively long relaxation times, which can often pass the millisecond.

Aggregation of non-conventional surfactants

The presentation also shows how combining soft density-functional based models to enhanced sampling metainference approaches, can be used to describe the aggregation of non-conventional surfactants that do not respect the common core-shell packing; it also proposes data-driven approaches for systematic calibration of such models.

For more information

Refer to the website: 

Tags: Michele Cascella, Henrique M. Cezar, Reidar Lund, RT2/6
Published Apr. 4, 2024 3:00 PM - Last modified May 24, 2024 2:34 PM