Visit from Gifted High School Natural Science Students from Talentsenteret

Talentsenteret, an initiative for senior high school students, visited the Hylleraas Centre and got a peak into computational chemistry and experimental chemistry.

Student as a teacher giving a lecture in quantum chemistry.

Student Hanan Gharayba explaining Euler’s method for simulating classical motion. Photo: Erik Tellgren, UiO. 

Talentsenteret is an initiative for senior high school students by Oslo Vitensenter. Students who are particularly talented and interested in natural science can apply to participate. As part of that initiative, on January 17 twelve students and three accompanying staff visited the Centre. The visit was coordinated by Cathrine Strøm and planned by Erik Tellgren.

The program included an introductory lecture about quantum chemistry by Prof. Trygve Helgaker, smaller lectures and computer demonstrations of classical dynamics, quantum dynamics, and molecular orbital theory by Erik Tellgren and Hanan Gharayba.

Professor Helgaker in classroom.
Trygve Helgaker introducing quantum chemistry. Photo: Erik Tellgren, UiO.

The students were introduced to computational chemistry using both simple, minimalistic programs for model systems as well as through visualization of molecular orbitals, geometry, and vibrations using advanced software. The latter part benefitted from the Hylleraas Software Platform. In addition, the students visited Mauritz Rydberg for a demonstration of the mass spectrometry lab.

Tags: Quantum chemistry, computational chemistry, school visit, molecular orbital theory By Erik Tellgren
Published Jan. 22, 2024 1:13 PM - Last modified May 27, 2024 10:52 AM