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Procedure for the use of biosafety cabinets

The procedure shall:

  • Ensure that all biosafety cabinets at IBV are maintained according to EN12469
  • reduce risk when working with biological agents as well as preventing injuries/adverse events
  • Ensure users know the difference between fume hood and biosafety cabinets, as well as knowing when to use what.

The procedure applies in all areas where work with biological agents is performed. It applies for all research and teaching situations.


The Department Head has the overall responsibility for the departments biosafety cabinets and the maintanance of these cabinets.

User is responsible for aquiring the necessary knowledge in the use of biosafety cabinets.


Use of biosafet cabinet (BSC)

All biosafety cabinets protect the user from biological hazardous material. This is in contrast to a LAF-cabinet which only protects the material from being contaminated by an external source..

As a general rule, a biosafety cabinet will not protect user from chemical fumes. Hence, you should not work with hazardous chemicals in a biosafety cabinet.

Classification of Biosafety cabinets

  • Class I: A biosafety cabinet that only protects the user against the sample material, and not sample against external contamination. You can work with organisms in Hazard Group Class I in this cabinet.
  • Class II (consists of four types A1, A2, B1 and B2): A biosafety cabinet that protects user against sample material AND sample material against external contamination. You can work with organisms in Hazard Group Class I and in this cabinet, provided that the laboratory is approved accordingly.

The standard is described here: NS-EN12469:2000 Biotechnology - Performance criteria for microbiological safety cabinets

The laboratories at IBV are classified for work With either Class I or Class II organisms.



Published Feb. 5, 2015 8:14 AM - Last modified May 3, 2021 2:11 PM