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Procedure for writing a Standard Operating Procedure with a risk assessment (SOP)


To ensure documentation of tasks and associated risk - according to current laws and UiO procedures. This documentation should include recommended risk limiting factors.

This procedure ensures a safe working environment and identifies risk limiting factors that should be followed.

Range of application

Procedure is written for Department of Biosciences. Applies when work is hazardous and/or can involve chemicals, hot work, biological substances, genetically modified microorganisms, factors harmful to reproduction, noise, mechanical vibration, radiation sources, inert air, avalanche, manual work with a risk to health. Applies when working in the field, operations, in the workshop and laboratory.


Managers are responsible for performing risk assessments, documenting it and ensuring that appropriate measures are implemented after the risk assessment.


Writing an SOP/risk assessment

A written documented risk assessment of all work in the lab is mandatory. At IBV we encourage all staff and student to write an SOP if neither of the published SOPs are applicable for the work to be performed. Template for writing an SOP is available and should be followed.

The risk assessment should take into account chemical, biological and physical health hazards. Laws are not avaliable in English.

Types of SOPs

To simplify the search for the right SOP they are divided into three categories:

  1. S-SOP: Procedure for making solutions and media
    Purpose is to describe how to work safely with chemicals and stock solutions bought from the suppliers, as well as map risk associated with the procedure and the risk limiting factors. CAS-number should be specified. The SOP should conclude if the product made is classified as a hazardous substance according to regulation (EC) no. 1272/2008.

  2. P-SOP: Protocols
    Purpose is to describe how to work safely in the lab, as well as as well as map risk associated with the procedure and the risk limiting factors. References to other documentation e.g. manuals can be used if that is appropriate.

  3. I-SOP: Procedure for instrumentation
    Purpose is to describe how to safely use instruments, as well as as well as map risk associated with the procedure and the risk limiting factors. References to other documentation e.g. manuals can be used if that is appropriate.

  4. K-SOP: Procedures used in courses

Writing, approval and publishing

All staff and students can write an SOP, however it must be approved by a qualified permanent staff. The SOP’s are published by HMS-team as part of the systematic HSE work at the Department. Each SOP are given a unique number.

The approved SOP’s are published here 

Assessment of chemical, biological and physical health hazard at IBV

Control of available risk assessments can be obtained by searching the IBV´s webpage using CAS-nr/name/biological factor etc. This can also used to check risk assessment of chemicals in an area as defined in ECOonline.



  • Utarbeidet av: IBVs HMS-team
  • Godkjent av: Instituttleder Finn-Eirik Johansen
  • Godkjenningsdato: xx.xx.2014
  • Utgave: 2
  • Saks- og dokumentnr. i ePhorte: 2014/10179
Published Jan. 16, 2015 9:31 AM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2021 4:33 PM