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Prosedure for HSE in teaching

Procedure shall secure a safe working and teaching environment in the lab and in the felt for students and employees. 

These procedure apply for all teaching activity at IBV.


Head of teaching has the overall responsibility for HSE in teaching.

Study administration is responsible to control the students have the required mandatory HSE courses, inform and remind students.

Course responsible must follow up students that do not have the required mandatory HSE courses before lab course begin.

Course responsible and field responsible must follow up students that do not have the required mandatory HSE courses before field work begin.


All students must get the mandatory HSE qualifications during their first semester at IBV. Study administration registers the students for the mandatory HSE course.

Mandatory HSE course at IBV is defined as:

Important milestones

1. Semester start:

  • Study administration shall check that all students has the required mandatory HSE courses. They will inform students.
  • At the beginning of the semester list will be send to course responsible over students that do not have the required mandatory course.

2. Start of lab and field teaching:

All student should have mandatory HSE qualifications before lab and field teaching begins.

  • Course responsible must follow up students that do not have the required mandatory HSE courses before lab course begin.

  • Course responsible and field responsible must follow up students that do not have the required mandatory HSE courses before field work begin.

  • Study administration send updated list of mandatory HSE qualifications to course responsible (Now all students should have the mandatory HSE qualifications.)

Other available HSE courses

Published Nov. 4, 2022 1:44 PM - Last modified Nov. 4, 2022 1:45 PM