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Insurance during field work

Below you will find information about insurances for both employees and students.

Insurance for students

UiO does not have a special insurance scheme for students because state educational institutions are not permitted to take out insurance on behalf of their students. The state is a so-called 'self-insurer'
If students want the same insurance cover as the university's employees, they have to take out their own travel and personal risk insurance. In some cases students may still be covered by their parents' insurance. This is strongly recommended.

Foreign students are not automatically entitled to benefits from the National Insurance Scheme since they must have been in Norway for a certain amount of time before they become a member of the National Insurance Scheme. Foreign students must contact their local NAV office for more information.

Insurance for employees at UiO


It is a prerequisite that all actions stated in the the risk assessment are followed. Accidents and injuries that occured during the spare time is not covered by the insurance. Scuba diving is prohibited during field work, also during your spare time.

Insurance for participants not associated with UiO

Field workers not employed by UiO: Personell that does not receive salary from UiO is not covered by UiO's insurance. Field responsible has to ensure that such personell is covered by an insurance, either private or by other institution in EEC.