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UiO's 10 commandments for ethical practice in research

Adopted by the University Board on 21 June, 2007

  1. You shall be guided by the rights and duties spelled out in the Law of Academic Freedom.
  2. You shall know that honesty is an absolute requisite for scientific work.
  3. You shall act in accordance with ethical guidelines for your area of research.
  4. You shall give due recognition to colleagues and sources that have aided your own investigation.
  5. You shall, if at all possible, participate in collegial analysis and communication of methods and results.
  6. You shall be prepared to account for all means and resources that you have received.
  7. You shall ensure that your scientific results are solid enough to justify your conclusions and that the raw data/materials on which your publications are based remain intact and available.
  8. You shall adhere to the rules that govern publications in your field.
  9. You shall strive to be level-headed when you report your results; consequential considerations should include both potential benefits and would-be ethical dilemmas.
  10. You shall maintain your scientific competency and also seek to improve it.