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Risk assessments at IBV

We want to ensure that both staff and students at IBV have a safe work environment.

All lab and field work must be risk assessed before work commences. 

Illustrasjon av arbeid som må risikovurderes

Risk assessing lab work

The risk assesment of lab work should be performed in the form of an SOP.

Risik asssessing field work

Risk assessment of field work should be according to the IBV template.
For more information how to perform the risk assessment please see examples. 

Risk assessment of master project

Self declaration (Health and safety)

All, including master students, must submit the self declaration (nettskjema). The questions will depend on your role at IBV and the type of work you are performing.

After completion you will receive an e-mail. Please retain this e-mail for documentation and future changes to the submitted form.