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Previous events - Page 103


Extra CEES seminar by Paul B. Rainey (NOTE THE TIME)

Time and place: , <a href="">the seminar room (3315)</a>

EXTRA CEES Seminar by Per Arne Rikvold. Note the day and time.

Time and place: , <a href="">The CEES seminar room</a>

BE Forum journal club on Byers BE Kroodsma DE 2009 Anim Behav 77 13-122

Time and place: , Room 3508

Friday seminar by Inga-Lill Persson. NB: Note the time and venue.


Extra CEES seminar by Jason Wolf.

Time and place: , Room 3508

Friday seminar by Arvid Naess. NB: Note the time and venue.


Extra CEES seminar by Ulf Büntgen.

Time and place: , <a href="">The CEES seminar room</a>

Friday seminar by Carsten Rahbek.

Time and place: , The CEES seminar room (3315)

Friday seminar by E.B. Taylor

Time and place: , <a href="">The CEES seminar room</a>

Friday seminar by Andries Richter.

Time and place: , <a href="">The CEES seminar room</a>

Extra CEES seminar by Bengt Oxelman, Tuesday 7 October.

Time and place: , the seminar room (3315)

Friday seminar by Michael Foote.