Norwegian version of this page

Previous events - Page 23

How can we strengthen Norwegian biotechnology? Join us for inspiring talks on omics, gender equality and transdisciplinarity; and social gathering in Oslo Science Park. 

What is the value that you have created in your work and what strategy should you choose to manage your intellectual property rights (IPR)? In this workshop we want to make you aware of your own values and IPR and give you the tools to get started on designing an IPR strategy and landscaping your field. The aim is to get you to take ownership of your processes and values.

Time and place: , Oslo Science Park/Forskningsparken, Gaustadalléen 21, Oslo

Join us for the annual conference for the Centre for Digital Life Norway – Digital Life 2021 – in Oslo 11 November!

The possibility of harvesting synergies between projects and exchange of competence is one of the benefits of being part of DLN. We encourage you to schedule a meeting with other Digital Life Norway projects at the conference and apply for cross-project funding from us after the conference.

Time and place: , Kulturhuset i Oslo (hovedrommet) og online

Dagens unge biotekforskere skaper framtidas jobber når de utvikler nye metoder for å innhente og analyserer biologiske data fra mennesker og andre organismer for å redde liv og redde verden. Møt sju av dem for å få med deg siste nytt fra forskningsfronten. Se opptak fra arrangementet her.

Time and place: , Room 3215

This week we discuss a paper by Raposeiro et al. recently published in PNAS.

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus: Seminarrom 4512

Genome size, growth rate, and elemental stoichiometry of cultured Calanus finmarchicus

Time and place: , Online og Trondheim, Litteraturhuset, Kongens gate 2

Paneldebatt på Litteraturhuset i Trondheim.

Time and place: , Zoom/CEES seminar room (3313/3315)

Late Lunch Talk by Aurélie Boilard

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Combining RIAD and CAR T cell therapy - Experimental studies exploring the effect of blocking tumor immune evasion

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

EGFR phosphorylation regulates endosomal binding kinetics of Rab5 and Rab7a

Time and place: , Zoom

Open science holds the promise for more accessible and responsible research and innovation. But the ambition is not without challenges. During this breakfast, we discuss the past, present and future status of Open Science.  

Time and place: , Rom 2240, Seksjon for biokjemi, Institutt for medisinske basalfag, Domus Medica

Identification of the Active Transcription Factor Network in Osteosarcoma

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben and Zoom

PhD candidate William B. Reinar at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Genomic short tandem repeats as modulators of gene expression and protein function" for the degree of PhD.


Want to learn more about Open Access? Join the events organized by Norwegian institutions and organizations at Open Access Week.

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, auditorium 1

Seeing With Sound - A Trans-Atlantic Study of the Mesopelagic Community

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4424, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Coordinate targeting of ATF4 and XBP1 signaling inhibits prostate cancer cell proliferation

Time and place: , Online og Trondheim, Litteraturhuset, Kongens gate 2

Paneldebatt på Litteraturhuset i Trondheim.

Time and place: , Eksamen vil foregå digitalt på Zoom

Investigating the cellular mechanism of muscle memory in female mice subjected to testosterone treatment

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus Seminarrom 4613

Sex-dependent natural survival and catchability in corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops)

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4512

Effects of predictability in food conditions on individual growth in Daphnia magna

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4424, Kristine Bonnevies hus

The role of Rab22a in endosomal maturation

Time and place: , Digital eksamen

A tale of six diatoms: an insight into the taxonomy of Arctic diatoms from different sea-ice communities and their physiological response to climate change

Time and place: , Zoom

PhD candidate Johannes C. Rusch at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Environmental DNA (eDNA) monitoring of two different  freshwater host-pathogen complexes in the interface between nature and aquaculture" for the degree of PhD.