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Previous events - Page 28

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Blocking the Inhibitory Prostaglandin E2 Signaling Pathway with Small Molecules to Restore T Cell Function

Time and place: , Zoom

Late Lunch Talk by Anneke ter Schure

Time and place: , zoom

How-to generate a data management plan for a Life Science research project that will meet the requirements of the funding organisations?

Time and place: , Online

This course prepares PhD candidates and early career researchers within biotechnology, life science and neighbouring scientific fields to adopt Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) in their research practice.

Time and place: , Zoom

By Alexander Eiler from the Section for Aquatic Biology and Toxicology, Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo

Time and place: , Zoom

This week we discuss a paper on genomics of rapid parallel adaptation in the marine snail Littorina saxatilis.

Time and place: , Zoom

Organelle DNA is less protected than nuclear DNA and the risk of mutations could be high. How do eukaryotic organelles avoid the gradual buildup of deleterious mutations in the organelle DNA until function is lost?

Time and place: , Zoom

By Mikkel Sinding from the Smurfit Institute of Genetics, Trinity College, Dublin/Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen

Time and place: , Digital event (Zoom)

This year's Darwin Day event covers the topic of evolution and medicine. Speakers: Charles Swanton, Felicia Keesing, and Bruce Levin. This event is part of the Oslo Life Science Conference 2021.

Time and place: , Zoom

This week we discuss a paper on pollen and eDNA preserved in old guano deposits from two caves in Jamaica.

Time and place: , Zoom

PhD candidate Chris Hadjineophytou at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Protein glycosylation in the genus Neisseria: coordinated evolution of glycan biosynthesis and substrate targeting" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Structural and functional studies of the inhibition of peptide deformylase – A potential antibiotic target


Software Carpentry aims to help researchers get their work done in less time and with less pain by teaching them basic research computing skills. This hands-on workshop will cover basic concepts and tools, including program design, version control, data management, and task automation. 

Time and place: , Zoom

Doctoral candidate Misganaw Tamrat Gessese at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Conservation status and behavioral ecology of the endangered Swayne’s hartebeest (Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei) in Ethiopia" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Zoom

Mucus is a viscoelastic material which protects epithelial surfaces from the external environment.  The functions of mucus are usually described as protection, lubrication, and transport , and in all these cases the physico-mechanical properties of the mucus are vital for function. But how does the presence of bacteria affect the function of the mucus?

Time and place: , Zoom

This week we discuss a paper on connectivity and structure in albacore tuna inferred from morphometrics, genetics and modelling particle drift modelling.

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Investigating the effects of loop modifications on the folding of outer membrane protein X

Time and place: , Zoom

By Barbara Fischer, University of Vienna, Austria

Time and place: , Zoom

Late Lunch Talk by Eivind Andreas Baste Undheim


Time and place: , Zoom

Doctoral candidate Ina Jungersen Andresen at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "Genomic- and transcriptomic investigations of the giant green alga Acetabularia acetabulum Resurrecting a forgotten model system to study cell morphogenesis" for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Ecology and connectivity of coastal spawning areas of pleuronectidae as inferred from egg distribution and oceanographic modelling

Time and place: , Zoom

This week we discuss a paper on genome skimming. The paper presents the potential for using low-coverage shotgun data for species identification, moving forward from more traditional barcoding approaches.

Time and place: , Eksamen gjennomføres digital i zoom

Turf mats characterization along the Norwegian Skagerrak coastline