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Previous events - Page 38

Time and place: , rom 4512

”Effects of Microplastics from Feed in Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua)”

Time and place: , rom 4512

”Mechanisms of Toxicity of Engineered Carbon Nanotubes and Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials”

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset, Sal: Amalie Skram

Norske forskere tar nå opp arven etter Nansen og utforsker økosystemene i de arktiske havområdene. Hvorfor gjør de det? Hva venter de å finne? Hvilke lange tradisjoner bygger denne forskningen på?

Time and place: , Rom A2,2068 C/D Immi, Rikshospitalet

Mechanisms controlling the selection of anti-transglutaminase 2 B cell receptors in celiac disease

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies

Peris is currently a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology in Valencia, Spain. In December he will move to Oslo and start a post doc position at EvoGene, working on genomics of fungal speciation with Inger Skrede and the Oslo Mycology Group.

Time and place: , Trondheim

Communication is key - and science is no exception.

Time and place: , Epicenter Oslo, Edvard Storms gate 2

Are you interested in innovative solutions for patient centric healthcare and remote care delivery? Are you delivering solutions for this sector? Then join Norway Health Tech's demo day.

Time and place: , Uppsala Science Park
Time and place: , Seminarrom 4424, Kristine Bonnevies hus

"A cross platform analysis of lncRNA expression associated with estrogen receptor status and methylation in breast cancer".

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus building

MSc Nelson Wang at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis Bacterial protein glycosylation: a perspective from the genus Neisseria for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus building

Doctoral candidate MSc Nelson Wang at Department of Biosciences will give a trial lecture on the given topic: Antimicrobial resistance and the role of horizontal gene transfer

Time and place: , rom 4512

”Effects of exposure to methylmercury and selenium in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua)”  

Time and place: , Seminarrom 2203, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Determining the clonal composition and antigen specificity of germinal center regulatory T cells

Time and place: , Room 4436, The Kristine Bonnevie building

Two guest lectures on global seabird conservation, and population-level responses to pollutants in polar seabirds

Time and place: , Room 3315

TGAC has been revived and we will again meet up to discuss interesting science. First up is this very interesting paper by Therkildsen et al. 2019 in Science

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Kristine Bonnevies hus building

MSc Norith Eckbo at Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis "The narratives of conservation in ecotoxicology: vulnerability and suspectibility to contaminants in polar seabirds" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Kristine Bonnevies hus building

Doctoral candidate MSc Norith Eckbo at Department of Biosciences will give a trial lecture on the given topic: Plastic in the ocean: how serious is the threat?

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus building

MSc Katharine Rose Dean at Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis The epidemiology of plague in Europe: inferring transmission dynamics from historical data for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Nucleus, Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus building

Doctoral candidate MSc Katharine Rose Dean at Department of Biosciences will give a trial lecture on the given topic: Yersinia pestis virulence evolution.

Time and place: , Jotunheimen

The aim of Digital Life Norway is to "create economic, societal, and environmental value". What is of value? How do we value it? How may value be created and sustained by the biotechnology of the future?

Time and place: , Tromsø

The Centre for Digital Life Norway hosts its third annual conference September 5-6 2019. This edition of DigitalLife will take place in Tromsø, at the Hotel Clarion Hotel the Edge.

Time and place: , Bikuben, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Diploma ceremony for Master's candidates in Molecular Biosciences and Biology. The master's class of spring term 2019  is cordially invited to a diploma ceremony. An extra warm welcome to supervisors.

Time and place: , Room 4213, Kristine Bonnevies

Professor Michael Hickerson from the City College of New York will give a presentation entitled "Merging Comparative Phylogeography with Community Ecology with high-throughput biodiversity surveys".