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Previous events - Page 73

Time and place: , Rom 4512

”Relationships between behavioural traits in wild great tits Parus major

Time and place: , CEES seminar room (3313/3315)

Late Lunch Talk by Ole Kristian Tørresen, Lex Nederbragt, with others from the cod genomics team

Time and place: , Room 3508

Friday seminar by Marius Roesti from University of Basel (Switzerland) and University of British Columbia (Canada)

Time and place: , Room 3513

Welcome back! This Friday 13th of November, we will read a paper by Zelditch et al. 2015 "Relationships of diversity, disparity,and their evolutionary rates in squirrels (Sciuridae)".

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper on how a novel prey life history leads to sympatric divergence in a predator species that was recently published in Nature Communications by Brodersen and colleagues. This will bring some ecology back to the journal club after some more molecular papers!

Time and place: , CEES seminar room (3313/3315)

Late Lunch Talk by Alexander Suh from the Uppsala University, Sweden

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper from MBE 2014 by Simon Martin and collaborators. The study evaluates the use of different statistical methods for detecting introgression and applies these to data on the heliconius butterfly complex.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4613, Kristine Bonnevies hus

The effects of siRNA-mediated knockdown of MITF and AP-2a in melanoma

Time and place: , Rom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

”Function of IDA and IDL signaling peptides and their HAE/HSL receptors in Brassica rapa

Time and place: , KBH 3213

Jon Egil Skjæraasen (IMR)

Time and place: , CEES seminar room (3313/3315)

Late Lunch Talk by Lex Nederbragt

Time and place: , Rom 4213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

”Mycorrhiza and root-associated fungi of the ericaceous Arctic plant Cassiope tetragona after artificial warming and in the natural environment”

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper by Der Sarkissian and co-authors recently published in Current Biology on horse evolutionary genomics with many interesting genomic analysis methods.

Time and place: , Room 3513

We are back! In journal club this week, we will read a paper by Moen et al. in Systematic Biology from this year  "Testing Convergence versus History: Convergence Dominates Phenotypic Evolution for Over 150 Million Years in Frogs". 

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

CEES Extra seminar by Matthew A. Wund, The College of New Jersey, USA

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Optical imaging of intrinsic signals during ocular dominance plasticity in a conditional aggrecan knockout mice

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Expression of gpr54-chr9 in medaka (Oryzias latipes) as revealed by fluorescent in situ hybridization

Time and place: , KBH 4619

Jan Heuschele, post doc, AQUA, IBV

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4512, Kristine Bonnevies hus

A zebrafish model system.

Studying uptake of particles and bacterial infections through the zebrafish intestine.  

Time and place: , Auditoriet på botanisk museum

”A study of Veronica spicata and V. longifolia (Plantaginaceae) and their putative hybrid in the Oslo area”

Time and place: , Sundvolden Hotel

Dear all CEES members: We are pleased to invite you to the Annual CEES Conference.

UPDATE: Download the Program (pdf)

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper on how hybridization may boost adaptive radiations in sticklebacks. The paper is authored by Roy and co-authors and is available from the recently accepted papers section in Molecular Ecology.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

Friday seminar by Chris Thomas from Department of Biology, University of York, UK