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Previous events - Page 89

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will discuss two papers on the proportion of the genome that is encoding, "An integrated encyclopedia of DNA elements in the human genome" authored by The Encode Project Consortium published in Nature 2012, and a critique entitled "On the Immortality of Television Sets: “Function” in the Human Genome According to the Evolution-Free Gospel of ENCODE" by Graur and colleagues published in GBE 2013.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 3213, Kristine Bonnevies hus

Exosome release. Role of PIKfyve and ERM proteins.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

Friday seminar by Merete Eggesbø

Time and place: , Room 3513

Our journal club reading this Friday will be "Niche breadth predicts geographical range size: a general ecological pattern" by Slatyer et al., published in Ecology Letters in August 2013. 

Time and place: , Rom 3513

In the Macroevolution and Red Queen Journal Club on Friday we will read Uyeda et al. 2010 paper on phenotypic evolution across a range of timescales 'The million-year wait for macroevolutionary bursts'.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This Thursday we will discuss how hybridization can generate morphological variation that spurs adaptive radiation chichlids. The paper (Selz et al. 2014; attached) is entitled "Relaxed trait covariance in interspecific cichlid hybrids predicts morphological diversity in adaptive radiations" and has just been published in JEB.

The Encode-discussion has been postponed to a later date (January 30th).

Time and place: , Room 3508

CEES Extra seminar by Anne Laudisoit

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

Friday seminar by Margaret Beaton

Time and place: , Rom 3513

This week in MaEcovo, we will read a new paper by Richard Lenski's group on fitness increasing without bound in Science Express. See also the Pennisi's  article on Lenski's experiments.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

CEES Extra seminar by Jeffrey A. Hutchings. Note the day.

Time and place: , The aquarium, room 3302

This week we will discuss a paper by Sella et al. (PloS Genetics, 2009) on pervasive natural selection in Drosophila.

Please note that the meeting will take place at a different location than usual this time!

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

Friday seminar by Bruce R. Levin from Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Note the time!

Time and place: , Rom 3513

In the Macroevolution and Red Queen Journal Club on Friday we will read Lindsey et al, "Evolutionary rescue from extinction is contingent on a lower rate of environmental change"

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will discuss a paper on the mixed ancestry of the First Americans, published recently in Nature. The western Eurasian genetic signatures in modern-day Native Americans seem to derive not only from post-Columbian admixture, as commonly thought, but also from a mixed ancestry of the First Americans.

Time and place: , Room 3302

We will discuss Fang et al. 2013 Genome-wide mapping of methylated adenine residues in pathogenic Escherichia coli using single-molecule real-time sequencing (Nature Biotechnology 30: 1232-1239).

Time and place: , Rom 3513

In the Macroevolution and Red Queen Journal Club on Friday we will read a recent 2013 paper from Overballe-Petersen et al on the uptake of damaged, fragmented or ancient DNA by naturally competent bacteria and the potential of "anachronistic evolution". Bacterial natural transformation by highly fragmented and damaged DNA.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

CEES Extra seminar by Jonas Korlach, Chief Scientic Officer, Pacific Biosciences

Time and place: , Rom 3513

This Friday we will discuss a recent paper on human evolution by Helen Kurki: 'Bony Pelvic Canal Size and Shape in Relation to Body Proportionality in Humans'

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

CEES Extra seminar by Juan Antonio Bonachela Fajardo from Princeton University.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will read a paper entitled "Genetic incompatibilities are widespread within species" by Corbet-Detig et al. (Nature 2013). The authors have used Drosophila melanogaster lines to detect the genomic footprints of epistasis.  

Time and place: , Room 3302

We will discuss sequencing technologies for transcriptome dat. We will focus on the downstream analyses and use the Pacbio human transcriptome paper as a starting point for our meeting (Sharon et al. 2013 A single-molecule long-read survey of the human transcriptome. Nature Biotechnology 31: 1009-1014).

Time and place: , Seminar room 3508

Friday seminar by Simon MacKenzie from University of Stirling, UK

Time and place: , Room 3513

In the Macroevolution and Red Queen Journal Club on Friday 15th we will discuss Hiroshi C. Ito et al. 2009 paper on food-web development, 'Coevolutionary dynamics of adaptive radiation for food-web development'.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will meet and discuss a paper on convergent macroevolutionary landscapes and Anolis radiations by Mahler et al. published in Science earlier this year.