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RCN funds for research talent Rebecca Holt

Rebecca E. Holt from the Department of Biosciences is one of 21 young research talents, whom the Research Council of Norway supports with funds for aquaculture and marine research.

Cod fish

Photo: John Werner, Unsplash.

The government invests in marine research

The government invests through the Research Council of Norway and provides NOK 217 million in support, divided between 21 new research projects in aquaculture and marine research. The environment and fish health are important topics.

  - Norway is at the top of the world in fisheries and aquaculture, and in order to be so in the future too, we need high-quality research within these topics. The projects that receive support now will give us the knowledge we need to succeed in the future, and to ensure sustainable growth and development within aquaculture and fisheries, says Mari Sundli Tveit, CEO of the Research Council of Norway.

Young research talent Rebecca Holt

Rebecca E. Holt is a researcher at CEES and the Department of Biosciences. She has received NOK 8 million in support from the Research Council of Norway, under the "Oceanic and marine research" focus area. Title of the research project is; "Using the past (& present) to predict the effects of changing food environment and temperature on Northeast Arctic cod in the Barents Sea".

Synergistic effects on arctic cod

Many studies focus on a single driver of global climate change, primarily temperature, but do not take into account wider implications of environmental change at the individual and population level.

Rebecca's research project will develop and apply a multifaceted innovative modeling approach, combined with extensive high-resolution long-term data to evaluate the potential consequences of changing food environments. The project will take a closer look at the availability and composition of prey, diet and temperature of the economically and ecologically important north-east Arctic cod, Gadus morhua, in the Barents Sea.

The research project will focus on the respiratory physiological mechanism, which can tell how temperature- and food environment-induced adaptations affect the life histories and behavior of the cod. This makes it possible to study the synergistic effects of external stressors on one of the most ecologically and economically important species in the North Atlantic, Northeast Arctic cod.

Published Sep. 15, 2022 2:58 PM - Last modified Sep. 15, 2022 2:58 PM