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3rd BNMI Symposium brings Nordic Microscopist together

In April 2024, the Norway branch of BNMI, the IBV NorMIC Imaging Platform, successfully hosted the 3rd Symposium in the famous Norwegian Ski Resort Geilo for more than 100 participants.

Group photo outside

Photo: Michael Weis.

The BNMI (Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure) is a network comprising Nordic Microscopy Infrastructures, aimed at enhancing scientific integration across microscopy imaging platforms in the Nordic countries. Established with funding from Nordforsk in 2021, the network undertakes various activities and teaching workshops, including the organization of an annual international symposium.

The inaugural BNMI symposium was hosted by the University of Iceland in 2022, followed by the second symposium organized by SDU in Odense in 2023. This year, Norway assumed the responsibility of hosting the 3rd BNMI symposium, with the local organizing committee selecting the renowned skiing resort of Geilo as the venue. 

Diverse expertise within the Nordic microscopy community

With scientific talks delivered by local experts and esteemed international speakers, including Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Ernst Stelzer, and Rainer Heintzmann, the symposium provided a platform for cutting-edge discussions and interdisciplinary exchange. National speakers, such as Dag Kristian Dysthe from Physics UiO, William Louch from Ulleval Hospital, Pawel Burkhardt from the Sars Center in Bergen and Balpreet Ahluwaliah from UiT, contributed their insights, showcasing their diverse expertise present within the Nordic microscopy community. 

Other than imaging platform personals across all the Nordic countries, the symposium attracted attendees from both biology and physics backgrounds, fostering rich interdisciplinary interactions and paving the way for future collaborations. Seminar sessions, poster presentations, and ample discussion time facilitated networking opportunities, allowing participants to forge new connections and exchange ideas. 

Photo: Xian Hu.

Tested new imaging equipment

The attending microscopy companies and their representatives held 11x2 parallell workshops for the participants. These were also a success judging by the feedback from both parties. Well attended and gave an opportunity for imaging node personnel and other participants to test new imaging equipment and learn about the latest cutting-edge imaging techniques. 

Social activities with laughter and skiing

Beyond the scientific program, the organizing committee went the extra mile to strengthen bonds among participants. An afternoon of skiing, offering options for downhill and cross-country skiing, provided a refreshing break and a chance to experience the stunning surroundings of Geilo. The ski afternoon culminated in a lively ski party, complete with exciting games in the snow/fun park, further enhancing camaraderie among attendees and fostering lasting relationships. 

The BNMI symposiums have become an exclusive meeting area much due to their limited size, with a little over 100 participants, and informal setting. The national and international imaging experts and the experienced company representatives mixed with imaging users during the full day including meals and free time. By fostering stronger connections and deeper understanding among our members, we can enhance our collaborative efforts and achieve greater success within the imaging network. 

The organizing committee's emphasis on creating memorable experiences for conference attendees underscores the importance of incorporating elements of fun and camaraderie into our events. The games organized during the conference not only provided enjoyable moments but also served as a catalyst for lasting memories that will resonate with attendees for years to come. 

4 people on skiis
Not easy to coordinate cross country skiing with 4 people on the same pair of skies. Here led by the organizer of the 2nd BNMI Odense meeting, Jonathan Brewer with invited speaker Rainer Heintzman as the anker skier. Photo: Michael Weis.
2 people outside
Left to Right: Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (Invited Speaker) and Oddmund Bakke (Organizer). Photo: Michael Weis 
4 people in the snow
Happy fun skiing/sledding participants finally reaching the goal. Photo: Michael Weis.
4 people outside
Happy fun skiing/sledding participants finally reaching the goal. Photo: Michael Weis.

The symposium was a great success

Overall, the 3rd BNMI Symposium in Geilo was a resounding success, blending scientific excellence with the spirit of camaraderie and adventure. The members of the IBV NorMIC Imaging Platform look forward to continued collaboration and future symposiums within the BNMI network.

Members of the Organizing Committee: Oddmund Bakke, Frode M. Skjeldal, Linda H. Haugen, Xian Hu(Edna), Emilie Løgith Moe, Marie Bergundhaugen.

4 people outside
Left to Right: Marie Bergundhaugen, Frode M. Skjeldal, Emilie Løgith Moe, Ingrid Kjos 
Photo: Michael Weis.
2 people outside
Frode M. Skjeldal and Linda H. Haugen. Photo: Michael Weis.


Published May 24, 2024 2:20 PM - Last modified May 24, 2024 2:20 PM