Communicating our research

An important part of research is communicating it to the general public. Our research group has been involved in a range of activities in the last few months to do just that.


Julie on the radio

Several of our group members have been on the radio to talk about their research. In April, Julie Sørlie Paus-Knudsen was on the radio to talk about her research on the effects of pesticides on bees (amongst other things!) and in August Clare Andvik talked about whales and dolphins. The programmes are still available to listen to, click on the links!

Public events

Katrine talking about environmental contaminants in the Arctic

In addition to the Forskningstorget (which we wrote about here), we were involved in many other events during the Norwegian Science week. Katrine gave a talk about contaminants in the Arctic at Oslo's literaturhuset. A full crowd came to hear about the Nansen Legacy programme, which aims at following in the footsteps of renowned Norwegian explorer Fridtjov Nansen in investigating the the rapidly changing Arctic environment. 

There was also a popular talk entitled "What is my phone doing in Africa?". In this evening, participants of the Anthrotox project talked about the effects of electronic waste in Tanzania, and how these problems can be addressed from Norway.

We're looking forward to continuing to conduct more research, and to communicate the results to the public!


Published Oct. 11, 2019 10:28 AM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2019 10:28 AM