Brief 2016 summary

Happy new year! 

With 2017 ahead it is time for a summary of selected events from 2016:

Participation on Norwegian Society for Pharmacology and Toxicology – NSFT yearly winter meeting on Beitostølen, combining science and skiing.

combining science and skiing! Photo: Silje Marie Kristiansen
Skiing & science! Photo: Silje Marie Kristiansen


Norith spent 3 months in Antarctica studying and sampling Adelie penguins along with collaborator Celine LeBohec. You can find interesting description and great photos here.

Norwegian polar ecotoxicologists on workshop in Shanghai, China.

Katrine Borgå (UiO) and Anita Evenset (Akvaplan-NIVA) taking a break.

Final project meeting for AVITOX in Chize, hosted by the Olivier Chastel at CNRS. 

Geir Wing Gabrielsen and Olivier Chastel outside the countryside housing in Chize, near the CNRS facilities.  Photo: Katrine Borgå

Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry annual European conference - SETAC - in Nantes, with multiple oral (Randi and Daniel) and poster (Ane and Norith) presentations, workshops and session chairing (Katrine). Polar session on final day hampered by French strike, some platform presenters, audience and session chair had to leave early. Other wice, a very interesting conference!

Strike effect on audience and presenters during the Polar ecotox session at SETAC 2017 Photo: Nico van den Brink


In September, Sabrina started her PhD with our group. Her PhD project is addressing how dissolved organic matter from land affects energy uptake, allocation in interaction with toxicants in coastal zooplankton. This is a collaboration between researchers form AQUA/IBV and NIVA that are interested in the run off of organic matter form land to sea, and how this affects the coastal zooplankton, in particular in combination with environmental contaminants, focusing on responses such as energy uptake and allocation.

Several of the master students and PhDs had poster presentations of their projects at the Norwegian Environmental Toxicology Symposium - NETS - arranged in October by NIVA in Oslo. 

Ane finished her master with great results, showing how Arctic birds breeding in the Kongsfjorden area have low and similar DNA damage, despite very different exposure to organohalogenated chemicals such as PCBs, PBDEs and PFAS.

Katrine and Ane after Ane's Master exam. Photo: Hilde Midthaug


Randi published her paper on PFAS accumulation in hooded seal and maternal transfer to offspring in ETC, showing that both placental and milk are important transfer pathways from mother to pup.

These were some selected highlights, as the blog is now up and running, we aim for more frequent updates throughout.

Stay tuned!

By Katrine Borgå
Published Jan. 4, 2017 9:47 AM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2023 11:07 AM