Drøbak Lasagna-Bowl Experiment - 1 Initiation

Throwback Thursday - to when we set up Jan´s dream experiment in Drøbak: Testing how combined exposure to predation risk and sub-lethal copper concentrations may affect copepods across multiple generations.

Image may contain: Water, Sky, Cloud, Lake, Gas.

Having raided IKEA for all of their 3L ovenproof lasagna-bowls early in the summer of 2021, we re-arranged the pier at the UiO marine research station Biologen in Drøbak and set up 36 replicate meso(micro?)cosms with ovigerous females (i.e. pregnant) of the coastal copepod Tigriopus brevicornis. We exposed our newly founded tiny populations to either predation risk (smell of fish), copper (10 ug L-1), combined predation risk and copper, or seawater as control. And then we waited :)

Image may contain: Natural landscape, Bedrock, Wood, Sunlight, Watercourse.

Figure 1. Tidal pool from which we sampled copepods (top), and a sample of Tigriopus brevicornis (visible as tiny red dots) and filamentous algae (bottom).

Lots of enriching experiences were made whilst setting up this experiment: We experienced how copepod field numbers tend to dwindle when you need them the most, that waves do occasionally splash onto the pier, the exhaustion of rigging our setup in order to ensure our replicates won't suddenly float off, and that mink (Neovison vison) enjoys having entrapped sticklebacks for breakfast (as it turned out we had a whole family of them living under the pier of our setup). The importance of sunscreen and cap can never be overstated, nor the bliss of ice cream breaks.

Figure 2. One of the many sneaky minks (top), and overview of the pier and tanks with and without three-spined stickleback (bottom).

The following members of MULTICOP contributed on this experiment: Hilde, Solveig, Trym, Jan, Katrine and Torben. A big thanks to Hans Erik and Grete at Biologen (Drøbak), as well as Klaus and Dag Øivind at Drøbak Aquarium for assistance during setup and maintenance.

Stay tuned for more – next up: water exchange and takedowns!

Tags: Multiple stressors, Copepod, Copper, Predation risk By Torben Lode
Published Feb. 16, 2023 11:30 PM - Last modified Feb. 16, 2023 11:30 PM