Research team photos

Below are high resolution images of the scientists involved in the Journal of Physiology study. They are all affiliated to the University of Oslo and Atlantis medisinske høgskole.

  • Sep. 15, 2014

    PhD student Einar Eftestøl at the Department of biosciences (University of Oslo)

  • Sep. 15, 2014

    Einar Eftestøl (from left), Jo C. Bruusgaard, Ingrid M. Egner og Kristian Gundersen.

  • Sep. 15, 2014

    Einar Eftestøl (from left), Jo C. Bruusgaard, Ingrid M. Egner og Kristian Gundersen.

  • Sep. 15, 2014

    PhD student Ingrid M. Egner at the Department of biosciences (University of Oslo)

  • Sep. 15, 2014

    Researcher Jo C. Bruusgaard at the Department of biosciences (University of Oslo) and Atlantis medisinske høgskole (AMH). 

  • Sep. 15, 2014

    Professor in physiology Kristian Gundersen at the Department of biosciences  (University of Oslo).