Mette Dalgaard Agersted

Postdoctoral Fellow - Section for Aquatic Biology and Toxicology
Image of Mette Dalgaard Agersted
Mobile phone +4746522524
Room 4419
Visiting address Blindernveien 31 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1066 Blindern 0316 Oslo

Academic interests

I am very interested in zooplankton ecology and Arctic marine ecosystem dynamics. I work mainly with krill and copepods as model organisms to study interactions between predators and prey in marine ecosystems around Greenland. Currently, I focus on using acoustic techniques as a non-invasive method to study fine scale distribution patterns of zooplankton in situ and relate these patterns to oceanography and higher trophic levels.


Since 2008 I have participated in several field campaigns primarily in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. Furthermore, I have extensive experience in conducting laboratory experiments with different groups of Arctic marine zooplankton. I received my doctoral degree in marine ecology in 2014 from the Technical University of Denmark, DTU Aqua, where I studied ecology of krill in Greenland and the northern Atlantic. The objective was to study the trophic role of krill in a sub-Arctic fjord. To approach this, I used a combination of laboratory feeding experiments, stable isotope analysis and biomass sampling in the field.



Tags: Zooplankton, Arctic marine ecosystems, Pelagic ecology, Trophic interactions

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Published Oct. 3, 2017 1:38 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2022 11:32 AM

Research groups