
Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructure (BNMI) works toward strengthening the international competitiveness and facilitating the development of world-leading Nordic advanced microscopy environments. 

Microscopic photo and NorMIC logo

Photo: NorMIC Imaging Facility/UiO.

BNMI Board

  • Norway: 

    • Oddmund Bakke, University of Oslo
    • Bjørnar Sporsheim, Norwegian Institute of Science & Technology, Trondheim
    • Xian Hu, University of Oslo
  • Denmark:

    • Morten Scallburd Neilsen, University of Aarhus 
    • Jonathan R. Brewer, University of Southern Odense
    • Clara Prats Gavalda, University of Copenhagen
  • Sweden:

    • Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez, University of Gothenburg
    • Hans Blom, Science for Life Laboratory (KTH), Stockholm
  • Finland: 

    • Camilo Guzman, Åbo Akademi University, Turku

    • Irina Belaia, Åbo Akademi University, Turku

  • Iceland: 

    • Eirikur Steingrimsson, University of Iceland, Rekjavik

    • Sigurdur Gudmundsson, University of Iceland, Rekjavik

Local Organizing Comittee

  • Oddmund Bakke, University of Oslo
  • Frode M. Skjeldal, University of Oslo
  • Linda H. Haugen, University of Oslo
  • Xian Hu, University of Oslo

Questions or comments?


Published Dec. 7, 2023 12:48 PM - Last modified Dec. 7, 2023 3:16 PM