Norwegian version of this page

Digital disputation: Synnøve Smebye Botnen

Synnøve Smebye Botnen at the Department of Biosciences will be defending the thesis Biodiversity in the dark: root-associated fungi in the Arctic for the degree of PhD.

Bilde av Synnøve Smebye Botnen

Synnøve Smebye Botnen. Photo: private.


The University of Oslo is currently closed, and disputations will therefore be streamed directly using Zoom. The host will moderate the digital issues while the defense manager moderates the defense.

You may download zoom or use your web browser. Please make sure the sound is working on your computer, you will automatically be muted. Please also familirise yourself with information for anyone who wishes to attend a digital defence. If you do not have your name, or unmute yourself or start your video without being invited to do so, you may be removed from the zoom-event.

Ex auditorio questions: The disputing leader will invite ex auditorio questions, and these can be anticipated either in writing or orally by clicking "Participants -> Raise Your Hand".

Trial lecture: 

"Global drivers of fungal communities"

Adjudication Committee

  • Professor Ari Jumpponen, Kansas State University
  • Associate Professor Rasmus Kjöller, University of Copenhagen
  • Associate Professor Wenche Eikrem, University of Oslo

Chair of defence


Additional information

Article about Botnen’s thesis

Published Mar. 26, 2020 4:47 PM - Last modified Feb. 4, 2022 1:47 PM