Others - Page 17

Time and place: , Room 3513

This week Friday the 20th macroevolution journal club will be discussing a paper entitled: "Dietary innovations spurred the diversification of ruminants during the Caenozoic" by Cantalapiedra et al. 2013.

Time and place: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a> (3313/3315)

Early Lunch Talk by Per Åberg (Professor of Marine Ecology, University of Gothenburg, Sweden).

Time and place: , Room 3513

This week in the macroevolution journal club we will read a paper entitled: "Modelling the ecology and evolution of communities: A review of past achievements, current efforts, and future promises" by Brännström et al. 2012.

Time and place: , Room 3513

This week in the macroevolution journal club we will be discussing "Tempo and mode in plant breeding system evolution" from Goldberg & Igić (2012). Keywords: Comparative methods; Dollo’s law; macroevolution; self-incompatibility; Solanaceae. Join us!

Time and place: , Room 3315

This week we will discuss a paper entitled "Genomic divergence in a ring species complex" by Alcaide and co-authors which was recently published in Nature.  

Time and place: , Room 3315

This week, we'll discuss a new paper by Feng et al. (2014) that shows that for some toothed and baleen whales, all food just tastes salty. Again, all CELS members are very welcome to join!

Time and place: , CEES seminar room (3313/3315)

Late lunch talk by Neus Mari-Mena.

Time and place: , Room 3315

We will be discussing a recent paper by Roesti et al. (2014) which uses simulations and stickleback data to test for patterns of adaptive divergence in the genome. We particularly invite participants of the CELS endringsmiljø!

Time and place: , Room 3513

This week in the macroevolution journal club we will read a paper by Althoff et al. 2014 : "Testing for coevolutionary diversification: linking pattern with process". Join us for a discussion of this short review on potential mechanisms of coevolutionary diversification and ways to test it.


Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will read a recent paper by Patrik Nosil and colleagues on the repeatability of the genetic changes driving the divergence of populations into new species. The paper is entitled "Stick Insect Genomes Reveal Natural Selection’s Role in Parallel Speciation" and was recently published in Science. The reported findings indicate that natural selection can drive parallel phenotypic evolution via parallel genetic changes.


Time and place: , CEES seminar room (3313/3315)

Late lunch talk by Claudia Junge.

Time and place: , Room 3513

Join us this week, Friday 16th of May, to discuss a paper by Monroe & Bokma (2009): "Do speciation rates drive rates of body size evolution in mammals?" and continue last weeks discussion on phylogenetic analysis of speciation.  

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will discuss what are the rate-limiting factors for the establishment of new species. In this regard, we will read a recent paper by Trevor Price and colleagues on the factors determining the rate of speciation in Himalayan song birds. The paper is entitled "Niche filling slows the diversification of Himalayan songbirds" and was recently published in Nature. The findings by Price et al. suggest that it is the rates at which new niches are created and occupied that limits diversification, not the rate at which new species form through reproductive isolation.

Time and place: , Room 3513

This Friday the 9th of May in the MaEcovo journal club we will be discussing a paper by Rabosky et al. (2013): "Rates of speciation and morphological evolution are correlated across the largest vertebrate radiation"

Time and place: , Seminar room (3313/3315)

A collection of recent CEES publications

Time and place: , Rom 3513

Paul Taylor is visiting from the NHM London this week. Hence we will capitalize on his expertise and discuss a competition paper by Hart and Marshall 2013 Ecology that uses bryozoa as experimental organisms. 

Time and place: , Room 3513

This Friday the 25th of April in MaEcovo journal club we will be discussing a paper by Losos (Evolution, 2011): "Convergence, adaptation and constraint". Joins us at 10:15 in room 3513.

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This Thursday we will discuss the interplay between introgessive hybridization and natural selection. We will read a recent paper by Peter and Rosemary Grant entitled "Synergism of Natural Selection and Introgression in the Origin of a New Species".

Time and place: , Rom 3513

We read an older paper to spark discussions on competition.

Download the linnean society paper on "Competition and macroevolution: the ghost of competition yet to come?" here.

Time and place: , The Aquarium

This week we will discuss a paper on gene flow and the maintenance of species boundaries in a cricket hybrid zone by Larson and colleagues which was published in the last issue of Molecular Ecology. The paper is entitled Gene flow and the maintenance of species boundaries and there is a perspective by Timothy Vines too for those interested, Stuck in the middle with you: close concordance between geographical clines in a cricket hybrid zone .

Please note that this journal club will take place in the Aquarium!

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will discuss the genetics of body shape divergence. We will read a paper by Franchini et al. entitled "Genomic architecture of ecologically divergent body shape in a pair of sympatric crater lake cichlid fishes". This paper was recently published in Molecular Ecology alongside a perspective piece by Rogers and Jamniczky entitled "The shape of things to come in the study of the origin of species?".

Time and place: , Rom 3513

We read an older paper on distinguishing between the Red Queen and Court Jester today. Download the pdf here: Barnkosky 2001 Paleobiology

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

This week we will discuss an interesting perspective on phenotypic evolution, slightly outside the topic of speciation but definitely of high interest to many of us. I hope many of you can join. The paper we will discuss is a perspective by Stevan J. Arnold entitled "Phenotypic evolution: the ongoing synthesis".

Time and place: , Room 3513

This Friday the 21st, MaEcovo journal club will be discussing the 2014 paper by Christin et al.: "Molecular Dating, Evolutionary Rates, and the Age of the Grasses"