Others - Page 20

Time and place: , Rom 3513

Our journal club reading this Friday will be "Testing the link between phenotypic evolution and speciation: an integrated palaeontological and phylogenetic analysis" by Gene Hunt, published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution in August 2013.

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset (Nedjma), Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo

Forskningsdagene - åpent for alle: "Havet brukes til transport og ferie, som matkammer og søppeldunk. Publikumsakvarier tilbyr levende kunnskap om hvordan vi påvirker havet og kan leve godt sammen med havet. Vi inviterer til en marin aften om mennesker og havet – bli med på reisen!" (This event it held in Norwegian.)

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315
Time and place: , Seminar room (3313/3315)

Late Lunch Talk by Casper van Leeuwen

Time and place: , Seminar room 3315

We'll be discussing the following paper this week: D. Tilman Am Nat. 2011 178:355-371 Diversification, biotic interchange, and the universal trade-off hypothesis

Time and place: , Seminar room (3313/3315)

Late lunch talk by Hiro Sakamoto

Time and place: , Litteraturhuset ('The House of Litterature), Wergelandsveien 29, Oslo

There is no scientific controversy over whether evolution is right and creationism is wrong. But do you know the scientific arguments for evolution? This evening, geneticist and popular science author Steve Jones will tell you "Why evolution is right and creationism is wrong". Even though there is no scientific controversy, this topic is still controversial. Eugenie C. Scott, the executive director of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE, USA) since 1987, will talk about why that is - and why we still need to defend evolution and other sciences in the classrooms - and elswhere.

Time and place: , Aud. 1, Georg Sverdrups hus, Blindern

This year at the annual Kristine Bonnevie lectures, the geneticist and popular science author Steve Jones from University College London will tell you "What sex really means". Eugenie C. Scott from The National Center for Science Education will draw on her long experience in defending science education in the U.S., and explain why communicating science is so important in her lecture "Defending evolution - and some other sciences". The Kristine Bonnevie lecture on evolutionary biology is part of the University’s annual celebration.

Time and place: , Rom 3513

We heard Fitzjohn speak at ESEB and would like to discuss his models in greater detail. Join us in discussing his paper from Sys Biol 2010

Time and place: , Rom 3513

This week we will discuss "The Hologenomic Basis of Speciation: Gut Bacteria Cause Hybrid Lethality in the Genus Nasonia" by Brucker and Bordenstein 2013 Science 341:667-669 

Time and place: , Seminar room (3313/3315)

Late Lunch Talk by Ingrid Spies

Time and place: , Rom 3513

We start this term's journal club with a new Red Queen paper by Quental and Marshall in Science 341:(290-292)

Time and place: , Rom 3513

This week's reading is Abrudan et al's "Killing as means of promoting biodiversity" in Biochem. Soc. Trans. (2012) 40, 1512–1516.  

Time and place: , Rom 3513

This Friday, our journal club reads "Diversity-dependence brings molecular phylogenies closer to agreement with the fossil record" by Etienne and others in PRBS 2012.  

Time and place: , Seminar room (3313/3315)

A collection of recent CEES publications

Time and place: , Rom 3513

Our journal club reading will be  "Tempo of trophic evolution and its impact on mammalian diversification" by Price et al. in PNAS 2012 this Friday.

Time and place: , Room 3302

We will discuss Opazo et al. 2013 Whole-Genome Duplication and the Functional Diversification of Teleost Fish Hemoglobins (MBE 30: 140-153).

Note different time and day!

Time and place: , Rom 3513

This Friday we read a new PNAS paper on "Environmental and biotic controls on the evolutionary hsitory of insect body size" by Clapham & Kerr (PNAS 109: 10927-10930).

Time and place: , Rom 3513

This Thursday, we will read "THE IMPACT OF REGIONAL CLIMATE ON THE EVOLUTION OF MAMMALS: A CASE STUDY USING FOSSIL HORSES" by Eronen et al. 2010. The paper can be found in Evolution 64: 398-408

Time and place: , Room 3315

Discussion of Linnenbrink et al. 2013 The role of biogeography in shaping diversity of the intestinal microbiota in house mice (Molecular Ecology 22: 1904-1916).

Time and place: , Room 3513

The journal club "Macroevolution and Red Queen" is this week discussing:  "Phylogenetic limiting similarity and competitive exclusion" by Violle et al. 2011 in Ecology Letters

Time and place: , Room 3513

The journal club "Macroevolution and Red Queen" is this week discussing:  "Eco-evolutionary dynamics in response to selection on life-history" by Cameron et at. 2013 in Ecology Letters

Time and place: , Seminar room (3313/3315)

A collection of recent CEES publications

Time and place: , Room 3315

This week at TGAC we have the pleasure to listen to Geir Kjetil Sandve and Sveinung Gundersen from IFI, who will give a presentation about "Doing bioinformatics more efficiently and reproducible with the Galaxy platform"

Time and place: , Room 3513

The journal club "Macroevolution and Red Queen" is this week discussing:  "Assessing the role of cladogenesis in macroevolution by integrating fossil and molecular evidence" by Strotz and Allen 2013. PNAS 110;2904–2909