Others - Page 26

Time and place: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a>
Time and place: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a>

Bro-Jørgensen, J 2007. Current Biology 17: 2157-2161

Time and place: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a>

Schuiling, Gerard A. (2005) On sexual behavior and sex-role reversal. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology, 26:3, 217 - 223

Time and place: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a>

ME Hauber and RM Kilner (2007) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 61:497-503

Time and place: , The CEES seminar room (3315)

Fitch, W. T. 2006. Music Perception 24(1):85-88.

Time and place: , Auditorium 1, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus, Blindern

Speakers: Ulrike Aust, Juliane Bräuer, Andrew Carstairs-McCarthy, Tecumseh Fitch and Simone Pika

Time and place: , The CEES seminar room (3315)

Peter M. Todd, Lars Penke, Barbara Fasolo and Alison P. Lenton. PNAS, September 18, 2007, vol. 104, no. 38, 15011-15016.

Time and place: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a>

R. Borowsky (2008) Current Biology, 18, R23-R24.

Time and place: , <a href="http://www.cees.uio.no/about/contact/cees-seminar-room.html">The CEES seminar room</a>

Vitousek MN, JS Adelman, NC Gregory, JJH St Clair (2007) Biology Letters 3:632-364


Brown et al (2007) Behav Ecol Sociobiol, 62:237–243


Boncoraglio G & Saino N (2007) Journal of Evolutionary Biology (OnlineEarly)


Svensson et al. 2007. Current Biology, in press


Hamlin, Wynn and Bloom (2007) Nature 450 557-559


Rutte C, Taborsky M (2007) PLoS Biol 5(7): 1421-1425


Alexander D. M. Wilson and Robert L. McLaughlin (2007) . Anim.Behav. 74, 689-698


Höner et al. 2007. Nature 448:798-801


Blackmore & Heinsohn (in press). Anim. Behav.


Grosenick, L. et al. 2007. Nature 445: 429-432


McDonald, D.B. PNAS 104, 10910-10914


Tricarico & Gherardi (2007) Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol.  61:1945– 1953


Jay M. Biernaskie & Robert J. Gegear 2007. Proc Roy Soc Lond B 274(1625): 2595-2601


September 11th: AF Russell, NE Langmore, A Cockburn, LB Astheimer, and RM Kilner. 2007.  Science 317: 941-944.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus

Speakers: Jane Lubchenco, Camilla Serck-Hanssen and Bente Edvardsen


Seppänen & Forsman (2007). Current Biology 17, 1248–1252