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HSE: Health, safety and environment

Emergency Situations

Sikresiden (or "on the safe side") is a web page and smartphone app that provides you with training and advice on what you should do in emergency situations, and what preventive measures you can take. Every student and employee at UiO must have the Sikresiden app downloaded on their smartphone, and it's also a good idea to have the web page bookmarked on your browser.

Speak Up! Ways to give feedback to UiO:

Report censurable conditions

Speak up about the learning environment

Report HSE deviations

Report issues related to maintenance, cleaning and waste

HSE policies

Here is where you will fine general guidelines, common tools and procedures that will provide everyone working at UiO with a safe, sound working environment.

Risk Assessment

Remember, risk assessment is mandatory before any work is initiated!

HSE Courses

HMS also offers courses for employees on HSE topics such as first aid, so if your work requires any courses in health and safety, check here.

Improving your working conditions

Psychological or social problems:

Human Resources is in charge of making sure your social and psychological working environment is safe and comfortable. If this is not the case, please contact the PhD advisor or Ann Elisabeth Mellbye, who has this responsibility for IBV.

Please also see the Stress Management web page for PhD students.

Physical working environment problems:

Safety Representatives: Each section has safety representatives who can be a contact point for any problems.

HSE: Our HSE coodinator at Biosciences is Kathrine Schou, but the section leaders also have HSE responsibility, and each section also has it's own HSE coordinator to support the section leaders. You can find yours here. The HSE coordinators, the section leaders, and Kathrine all can be a contact point for problems with the physical environment at work.

The Occupational Health Service Unit is external to IBV, they have a team of people trained in occupational health, psychosocial and organizational working environment, ergonomics and other working environment issues. Feel free to contact their employees directly.

Published May 2, 2018 2:00 PM - Last modified Aug. 25, 2021 10:58 AM