DigiBrain partcipants

(Listed alphabetically, affiliations detailed below)

PI partners:

Ole Andreassen (OUS/MED/Norment)

Harald Aurlien (Holberg EEG)

Srdjan Djurovic (OUS/MED/Norment)

Andy Edwards (Simula/IBV)

Gaute Einevoll (NMBU)

Camila Esguerra (NCMM)

Marianne Fyhn (IBV)

Anders Fugelli (Pharmasum)

Torkel Hafting (Med Fak)

Cliff Kentros (NTNU)

Anders Malthe-Sørenssen (UiO)

Jens Sigurd Mjøen Svendsen (UiTø)

Aslak Tveito (Simula)

Finn-Arne Weltzien (NMBU)


Geir Halnes (NMBU)

Tuomo Maki-Martunnen (Simula)

Post doctoral fellow:

Torbjørn Elvsåshagen (UiO)

PhD fellow:

Solveig Næss (IFI)

Marte Julie Sæthre (FI)


Rachel Thomas (IBV)







NCMM - Biotechnology Centre of Oslo
Holberg EEG (Private Norwegian-based eHealth company)
IBV - Department of Biosciences, University of Oslo
MED - Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo
NMBU - Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Norment - Norwegian Centre for Mental Disorders Research, University of Oslo
NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
OUS - Oslo University Hospital
Pharmasum (Private Norwegian-based pharmaceutical company)
Simula - Simula Research Laboratory
UiTø - the Arctic University of Norway

Published Aug. 15, 2016 10:53 AM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2023 2:17 PM