Participants in Urban gull tox - pollutants in urban and rural areas

From the University of Oslo

Name Phone E-mail Tags
Katrine BorgÄ Professor +47 22859156 Ecotoxicology, Toxicology, Arctic, Polar, Aquatic ecology, trophic tracers, environmental contaminants, mechanistic modelling, multivariate statistics
Ketil Hylland Professor +47 22857315 +47 41451694 (mob) 41451694 Ecotoxicology, in vitro toxicology, sediment ecology, biomarkers, effect monitoring, DNA damage
Morten Helberg
Anders Ruus Professor II - Section for Aquatic Biology and Toxicology +47 98227786 (mob)

Other participants

  • Sveinn-Are Hanssen (NINA)
  • Tone Reiertsen (NINA)