Disputation: Ingvild Gudim

Congratulation to Ingvild who defended her PhD-thesis today!

M.Chem Ingvild Gudim at Department of Biosciences defended the thesis Characterisation of flavodoxins and ferredoxin/flavodoxin reductases from Bacillus cereus and their interactions for the degree of PhD on the 31st August 2018

Before the defence she gave a trial lecture on the given topic: The assembly of Photosystem II

Adjudication committee

  • Senior lecturer Gustav Berggren, Uppsala University
  • Assistant Professor Julia Griese, Uppsala University
  • Professor Dirk Linke, University of Oslo

Chair of defence

Professor Fahri Saatcioglu


Additional information

Article about Gudim’s thesis

Published Sep. 1, 2018 2:17 AM - Last modified July 12, 2022 12:49 PM