Section seminars - Page 3

Time and place: , Room 4213

Pierre Gladieux is a research scientist at UMR BGPI, INRA Montpellier, France and he will give a talk entitled "Disease emergence and pathogen speciation".

Time and place: , Kristine Bonnevies hus, Room 4213

Eric Gelhaye will give a short talk entitled "From fungal detoxification systems to tree ecological traits" and Mélanie Morel-Rouhier will give a short talk entitled "Oak extractive-induced stress reveals the involvement of new enzymes in the detoxification response of Phanerochaete chrysosporium"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Leticia Pérez-Izquierdo from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Soil and Environment in Uppsala will give the talk entitled "Fungal community shifts along a fire severity gradient in a Boreal forest"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Group Leader Pilar Cubas from The National Centre for Biotechnolgy (CNB) in Madrid, Spain, will give the presentation entitled "To grow? To sleep? a bud ́s decision"

Read more about Cubas' reasearch here

Time and place: , Room 4213

Stefan Schild from The Institute of Molecular Biosciences at The University of Graz, Austria, will give the talk etitled "Multi-faceted roles of bacterial membrane vesicles".

To read more about Schild's research go here.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Prof. Rudolf Bohm from Texas A&M University -Kingsville, will give a talk at a joint Evogene / Fyscell Seminar this week entitled "How Drosophila Neural Circuits Can be Used to Study Disease Mechanisms".

Time and place: , Room 4213

Inger Skrede from Oslo Mycology Group at Evogene will give the talk entitled "Evolutionary necessities for invading buildings, comparative and population genomic analyses in the dry rot fungus".


Time and place: , Room 4213

Daniel Slade from Department of Biochemistry at Virginia Tech, US, will present his talk entitled "Identification and characterization of Fusobacterium nucleatum virulence factors critical for host-pathogen interactions in colorectal cancer"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Henrik Kvalheim Eriksen (Linke group): Colicins - a future tool in preventing bacterial diseases?

Sai Priya Sharma Kandanur (Leo group): Role of Secondary Structure Elements in the Translocator Domain of the Inverse Autotranporter Protein Intimin

Verena Mertes (Butenko group): A Phosphoproteomics approach to unravel the IDA Signalling Pathway

Time and place: , Room 4213

Yuri van Ekelenburg "The role of small RNA in genomic imprinting and plant fertilization"

Anne Greulich "Cross-generational analysis of short tandem repeat variation in the A.thaliana and G. morhua genome"

Chiara Di Luca - "Mechanisms and drivers of antimicrobial resistance"

Marie Leys - "Phylogeography and evolutionary history of a widespread endophytic fungus of Norway spruce (Lophodermium piceae)"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Jack Leo will give a presentation (~1 h) about his recent trip to Tanzania, which included visiting three national parks, so there will be plenty of pictures of animals (and even a few of plants - and fungi!). Bring some refreshments and enjoy! On Friday 23.2. at 4pm, EvoGene lunchroom.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Master students

Hawzeen Salah Khalil from The Leo Group will give a short talk entitled "Co-aggregation properties of trimeric autotransporter adhesins"


Øyvind S. Gulbrandsen from The Morphoplex Group will give a short talk entitled "A multi-gene phylogeny of the green algae (Chlorophyta)"


Renate Marie Alling from Aalen Group will give a short introduction to her newly started master project entitled "Evolution and molecular function of IDA-LIKE peptides"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Peter Kennedy from The Department of Plant & Microbial Biology, University of Minnesota will give a talk entitled "Adventures in optimizing the molecular characterization of fungi communities"

Peter Kennedy is a fungal ecologist broadly interested plant-microbe interactions. He has worked most extensively on the ectomycorrhizal fungal symbiosis, focusing on how the structure of ectomycorrhizal fungal communities is influenced by factors such as interspecific competition, host specificity, and biogeography.

Time and place: , Room 4213

Dr. Stefanie Barbirz, from the University Potsdam, Germany, will give the talk entitled  "Tailspike cell adhesion systems  in bacteriophage infection and  as diagnostic tools".

Time and place: , Room 4213

Marc Stift from The Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany, will give the talk entitled "Inbreeding depression and the transition to selfing in North American Arabidopsis lyrata"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Siri Fjellheim from Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), will give the talk entitled "Life at high latitudes: the adaptive basis for successful diversification of the grass subfamily Pooideae to temperate regions"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Kirsten Bomblies from The John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK, will give the talk "The evolution of meiosis in diploid and tetraploid Arabidopsis arenosa"


Time and place: , Room 4213

Sebastian Mueller is a researcher from David Baulcombe's lab at The Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK. He will give the talk entitled "Epigenetic of heterosis in tomato - a bioinformatic examination".

Time and place: , Room 4213

Michael Lenhard from Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, Germany. He will give the talk entitled "Molecular basis of floral adaptations to plant breeding systems"

Time and place: , Room 4213

Jack Leo from the Evogene section will present his newly accepted paper on "A New Strain Collection for Improved Expression of Outer Membrane Proteins "

Time and place: , Room 4619

Dr Gaëtan Burgaud (University of Brest) will give a joint AQUA and EVOGENE seminar on “Insights into the diversity, physiology, functions, ecological roles and biotechnological potential of deep-subseafloor fungi using an integrated approach”

Time and place: , Room 4213

David Šmajs will give the talk entitled "Bacteriocins of the family Enterobacteriaceae: molecular structure and ecology".

David Šmajs is a Professor at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic



Time and place: , Room 4213

Seminar will feature two short talks entitled

The repeat structure of two paralogous genes, Yersinia ruckeri Invasin (yrInv) and a “Y. ruckeri Invasin-like molecule”, (yrIlm) sheds light on the evolution of adhesive capacities of a fish pathogen by Agnieszka Wrobel from Dirk Linke group


Unicellular origin of the Microprocessor and microRNAs by Arthur Haraldsen from Kamran Shalchian-Tabrizi group

Time and place: , Room 4213

For the Evogene seminar Monday 21th August Sundy Maurice and Jørn Henrik Sønstebø will present the project FunGen and a case study of the genetic structure among 11 polypore fungal species. Fungal Conservation Genetics (FunGen) is a collaborative project with NINA, NIBIO and SLU, aiming to reveal the effect of forest fragmentation on the genetic variation of wood-decay fungi throughout Fennoscandia. Jørn Henrik Sønstebø is a population geneticist who has recently joined the mycology Group, will briefly present his background (NMBU, NIBIO, NIVA, NHM, UiO etc. and how FunGen will benefit from his expertise.


Time and place: , Room 4213

László Nagy from the Fungal genomics & Evolution lab in Szeged, Hungary

László is a young and dynamic group leader with an interesting portfolio. His group focuses on the basic principles of genome evolution with an emphasis on the evolution of complexity and genomic mechanisms of parallel/convergent evolution. They combine phylogenetics with comparative and functional genomics to bring new insight to the field using the multitude of whole-genome.