Media Preparation Equipment

Good media preparation equipment is vital for an efficient culture lab. We are constantly improving our media preparation methods and have a very good set-up for both high and low through-put.

For more information regarding use of the instruments contact lab manager.


The MEDIACLAVE 10 allows for rapid and gentle preparation of 1– 10L of culture medium. Precise controlling and monitoring of temperature, time and pressure during the sterilization process guarantee constant high quality.


MEDIAJET is a petri dish filler that can be used to fill Petri dishes of various sizes as well as Petri dishes with two compartments.
We have equipment to fill:

- 9 cm dishes

- 6 cm dishes

- 3.5 cm dishes


DOSE IT is an easy-to-use, compact and portable peristaltic pump. peristaltic pumps are often used when liquids have to be transferred. DOSE IT is especially helpful for dispensing culture media, buffers or other solutions.

Autoclave HV-25

The HV-25 is a small autoclave. It can be used for autoclaving solids and small volumes of liquid.

ESCO Laminar Flow Cabinet

You can use this LAF cabinet to produce a sterile environment when preparing media and stock solutions. Please note that this cabinet should not be used for work with biological specimens, since this cabinet does not protect the user from hazardous substances.


Using the Integra MEDIACLAVE 10 (I-SOP-024)

Using the Integra MEDIAJET (I-SOP-033)

Using the Integra DOSE IT (I-SOP-023)

Autoclave - HV25 (I-SOP-008)
