PhD defence: Kristian Lensjø

CINPLA's Kristian Lensjø will defend his thesis "Extracellular matrix molecules in brain plasticity and memory processing" for the degree of PhD.

Trial Lecture: 

Kristian Lensjø will give a trial lecture on the topic "Plasticity in the injured brain, determinants of successful patient recovery".

When: 10:15 AM, Friday September 22, 2017
Where: Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Arne Næss auditorium 103


Kristian Lensjø will defend his thesis, "Extracellular matrix molecules in brain plasticity and memory processing" for the degree of PhD.

When: 1:15 PM, Friday September 22, 2017
Where: Georg Morgenstiernes hus, Arne Næss auditorium 103

Adjudication committee

  • Professor Takao Hensch, Harvard University
  • Professor Kirsten Brun Kjelstrup, Univerity of Tromsø
  • Professor  emeritus Olav Sand, University of Oslo

Chair of defence

Head of Department Rein Aasland


Further Information:

More about KL thesis:

Published Sep. 8, 2017 11:39 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2021 2:18 PM